>R is open source. You can download the source code from CRAN.
>If you mean at the R prompt, usually you see the code for a function by
>typing the name of the function at the R prompt, without parentheses.
>`Usually' because some methods are delibrately `hidden' from users,
>should only be accessed through their generics. There are still ways to get
>around that.
sometimes,the getS3method is helpfull.
> princomp.default
Error: object "princomp.default" not found> getS3method("princomp","default")
function (x, cor = FALSE, scores = TRUE, covmat = NULL, subset = rep(TRUE,
nrow(as.matrix(x))), ...)
>However, the code you get at the R prompt is not the _source_, as it does
>not contain any original comments. You need to go to the source I refer to
>> From: ritesh at pdx.edu
>> Hi,
>> I am new the R world and would like to know how can I access
>> source codes of
>> standard functions in R?
>> Thanks,
>> Ritesh.
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