Because my problem involves the RdbiPgSQL package, I sent a message
similar to this one to the Bioconductor list. But while awaiting
moderator approval of my message (because I am not a member of that
list), it occurred to me to send it to R-help as the problem may be more
general than just RdbiPgSQL.
Here's my situation:
I have been using RdbiPgSQL successfully for a year or two. I commonly
save my queries in text files that I can use either in PostgreSQL's psql
(useful for testing and editing) or in R using readLines(). For example
(in R):
conn <- dbConnect(PgSQL(), host = "localhost", dbname =
test.sql < readLines("queryfile")
test.df <- dbGetQuery(conn, paste(test.sql, collapse = " "))
This works fine for all the multiline files I have tried -- except one.
I have recently encountered a problem with a moderately complex,
moderately long query (12 lines, 459 characters). I can execute the
query with no problem in psql and it returns the 14 rows that I expect.
When I execute the query in R as above, I get a dataframe with the
expected column names, but no rows. I get no error message. I am
wondering if the query string is too long. Is there a maximum length
for queries in RdbiPgSQL or for strings in R?
By the way, I can use collapse = "\n" in paste() and get the same
result, so I don't think line length is the problem.
Or maybe someone has a better idea of how to read (in R) the file
containing the query and sending it to my database. Of course, I know I
can execute the query outside of R and use read.table to make my
dataframe, but I want to do this inside R.
Thanks for any ideas.
William D. McCoy
University of Massachusetts, Amherst
wdmccoy at