Displaying 20 results from an estimated 28 matches for "rdbipgsql".
2006 Oct 03
problem installing RdbiPgSQL for 2.4
I just upgraded R to version 2.4.0 and now I can't install packages
RdbiPgSQL. I used the same procedure I did for previous versions of R !
Actually, last time I installed RdbiPgSQL day before upgrading
but now I got:
downloaded 27Kb
* Installing *source* package 'RdbiPgSQL' ...
creating cache ./config.cache
checking for PQconnectdb in -lpq... no
I could not find...
2007 Feb 05
RdbiPgSQL in R 2.4.1
Hi R-users
I recently downloaded RdbiPgSQL 1.8.0 and Rdbi 1.8.0 from Bioconductor to be
installed under R 2.4.1.
When requiring RdbiPgSQL an error message is showed as follows:
> require(RdbiPgSQL)
Loading required package: RdbiPgSQL
Error in library(package, lib.loc = lib.loc, character.only = TRUE, logical
= TRUE, :...
2005 Sep 14
maximum string length in RdbiPgSQL and in R
Because my problem involves the RdbiPgSQL package, I sent a message
similar to this one to the Bioconductor list. But while awaiting
moderator approval of my message (because I am not a member of that
list), it occurred to me to send it to R-help as the problem may be more
general than just RdbiPgSQL.
Here's my situation:
I have...
2003 Nov 10
Rdbi/RdbiPgSQL updates
To get the Rdbi/RdbiPgSQL 1.0.1 interface from BioConductor
functional, I would like to suggest some fixes.
Find patches and the updated packages here:
- fixed load of RdbiPgSQL (wrong name)
- fixed dbConnectionInfo() (typo)
- fixed table export to...
2003 Dec 10
RdbiPgSQL and POSIXct
Does the Bioconductor library RdbiPgSQL support the POSIXlt and POSIXct (R
time format)?. I tried to import an R data frame which had also some columns
of class POSIXct into PostgreSQL 7.2.1 with the command dbWriteTable without
`data.frame': 8123 obs. of 27 variables:
$ kat.st : int 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8...
2008 Oct 03
3D scatter, groups, RdbiPgSQL...
...he scatterplot3d and plot3d, because I did not succeed to
use the groups = ... function.
The scatter3d behaves a bit wierdly with the groups function: it works
well with data imported from a CSV file, but when I tried to apply it to
a data imported from a PostgreSQL database (using the Rdbi and RdbiPgSQL
packages) it gives me this error message:
groups variable must be a factor.
To be more clear here is a command I used with the scatter3d (exactly
the same for the both datasets):
scatter3d(br_scatter$cl, br_scatter$br, br_scatter$hco3, fit="linear",
residuals=TRUE, bg=&quo...
2006 Mar 02
Curious subsetting behavior
..." "utils"
[7] "datasets" "base"
other attached packages:
geneplotter annotate Biobase gplots gdata gtools
"1.9.5" "1.9.2" "1.9.4" "2.0.0" "2.0.0" "2.0.0"
RdbiPgSQL RdbiPgSQL Rdbi seanlib limma
"1.0.9" "1.0.9" "1.0.4" "1.0" "2.4.9"
[[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2010 Mar 06
memory error in for loop
...R: double free or
corruption (!prev): 0x094f8c38 ***
======= Backtrace: =========
2007 Oct 31
DBI Package
Hello everyone!
Congratulations by this gorgeous software.
My name is Germán Carrillo, I'm writting from Colombia. I don't have much
experience with R, reason why I use the R-GUI (version 2.5.1) on Windows.
I have some problems with DBI package, I want to connect to PostgreSQL
database but I don't know the way to do it.
I was reading the DBI manual and I tried write in my R Console
2011 Jun 28
connecting R and PostgreSQL
Dear R-helpers,
I'm an absolute beginner using both R and PostgreSQL, but now I have to work with both programs. I need to connect R and my Postgres-database, but every attempt so far has failed (I tried using the RpgSQL package as well as RdbiPgSQL, the first, following this manual (http://code.google.com/p/rpostgresql/) didn't find any drivers for the database (step no. 1) whereas the second doesn't work with R version 2.13).
Could someone please be so kind to either provide a step-by-step instruction on how to make this connection...
2009 Jan 09
shake rattle() and roll
...my practice management software which doesn't have a direct R
driver but now
I am confident will be able to use it (with the Read Only option :-)-
O) to analyse
my ICD and Procedure Codes :-)-O
Three Requests for Features for rattle(): would it not be nice to also
have direct
PostgreSQL (RdbiPgSQL) and MySQL (RMySQL) support and support for a
SELECT statement?
In other words, sometimes the database tables directly don't give you
what you need
and so you have to develop a (convoluted) SQL statement first.
Would be nice if one could ratlle(convolutedSQL) :-)-O
greetings, el
Dr. E...
2009 Jan 13
crash on multiple queries to postgresql db [solved]
>>>> res <- dbGetResult(query)
>>>> are resulting in this:
>>>> *** glibc detected *** /usr/local/lib/R/bin/exec/R: realloc(): invalid
>>>> other attached packages:
>>>> [1] RdbiPgSQL_1.8.0 Rdbi_1.8.0 lattice_0.17-20
>>>> Any ideas?
>>> Well, first off, since you are apparently using RdbiPgSQL from
>>> bioconductor, you should probably try asking there.
>>> But in any case, you might try the l...
2006 May 19
Fast update of a lot of records in a database?
We have a PostgreSQL table with about 400000 records in it. Using
either RODBC or RdbiPgSQL, what is the fastest way to update one (or a
few) column(s) in a large collection of records? Currently we're
sending sql like
UPDATE table SET col1=value WHERE id=id
(repeated thousands of times for different ids)
and this takes hours to complete. Surely there must be a quic...
2005 Mar 12
Dear All,
As some of you in the archive, i am experiencing problems in using
RODBC with IODBC on Mac OS X Panther.
I am currrently facing two problems.
The first one is apparently linked with IODBC (according to returned R
error message) although testing the database access from IODBC manager
seems to work fine.
The second is by far more radical, R purely and simply reports an error
2004 Aug 29
R and PostGresQL
Sorry for the simple question:
What is the "standard" package for interfacing with PostGreSQL (most
up-to-date)? There appear to be at least three with different names:
RdbiPgSQL (available as part of BioConductor)
RPgSQL (On the home page, no longer maintained in favor or Rdbi)
The R and database developer page (http://developer.r-project.org/db/) was
last updated in 2001, it appears. The R Import-export manual addresses
RPgSQL, but not the other flavors mentioned above....
2005 Dec 09
Status of PostgreSQL using DBI?
Greetings - is there any update on a PostgreSQL driver for the DBI
package? If not, what's the currently-preferred method of creating a link
from a PostgreSQL database and R?
Andrew J Perrin - andrew_perrin (at) unc.edu - http://www.unc.edu/~aperrin
Assistant Professor of Sociology; Book Review Editor, _Social
2010 Feb 21
PostgreSQL under Snow Leopard
I have nicely used RdbiPgSQL under 10.5 but now that I run 10.6
I can't get this to work.
I am quite sure I will not be the first to have this problem, so
can someone please point me somewhere where this has been described
or let me have a cookbook?
greetings, el
2009 Sep 13
zoo plot: yearly marks on X-Axis
...> axis.Date(1, at=seq(as.Date("1960-01-01"), max(as.Date(x)), "5 years"),
> labels = TRUE, las=3, tcl = -0.2)
> Regards,
> Christian
I'm actually struggling with the similar problem. I applied Your script
into mine like this:
conn <- dbConnect(PgSQL(), host="localhost", dbname="BVS",
user="postgres", password = "******")
query_duj_kal <- dbSendQuery(conn, "select zdroj as well, cas as date,
fe2, fe3, mn, nh4, no2, no3, o2, teplota as temperature from analystats
2009 Sep 11
format (?) problems with data imported from postgres
Good day,
I read some data from a PostgreSQL database by a following script:
# conn becomes an object which contains the DB connection:
conn <- dbConnect(PgSQL(), host="localhost", dbname="BVS",
user="postgres", password = "*******")
query_duj_kal <- dbSendQuery(conn, "select zdroj as well, cas as date,
fe2, fe3, mn, nh4,...
2005 Jan 21
functions not found after installing DBI/RDBI packages
I would like to be able to use R with a connection to a PostgreSQL database. I am using R 2.0.1 on windows XP. I have tried installing both the DBI and rDBI packages (which is better?) but in either case I run into the same problem - when i try to use either the dbDriver or dbConnect functions i'm told the function couldn't be found. Seems like the packages aren't installing