Thomas Steiner schrieb:> I want to add an outer subtitle to my 2x3-plot, but it's distance to
> lowest plots is very high: 6 lines or more?!
> If I choose oma=c(5,0,2,0), it lies out of the plotting region and
> disapprears. Obviously I make something wrong here. Help appreciated,
> Thomas
> x=seq(from=1, to=3.5, length=100)
> par(mfrow = c(2, 3), oma=c(6,0,2,0))
> ## oma=c(5,0,2,0) will not work?!
> plot(x,x^2)
> plot(x,sin(x))
> plot(x,exp(x))
> plot(x,1/x)
> plot(x,log(x))
> plot(x,sin(1/x))
> title(main="My Test", outer=TRUE, sub="my subtitle")
The line parameter may help you, see ?title
title(main="My Test", outer=TRUE, sub="my subtitle", line=0)
HTH Thomas P.