Christian Hoffmann
2005-Aug-10 13:49 UTC
[R] Plit result of pairs in an Sweave compatible manner
Hi, I want to use "pairs" on a fairly big matrix, say more than 30 columns. R tries to fit this on one page, which results in tiny invidual rectangles, and dots are hard to see. Is there a way to transform the output of pairs in a way that subplots of 10*10, say, rectangles are generated. These subplots should then go to Sweave which is accepting one figure at a time presently. Thanks for help Christian Hoffmann PS: In the old S (The New S language, Becker, Chambers, Wilks) there was a parameter "max" to split the output. -- Dr. Christian W. Hoffmann, Swiss Federal Research Institute WSL Mathematics + Statistical Computing Zuercherstrasse 111 CH-8903 Birmensdorf, Switzerland Tel +41-44-7392-277 (office) -111(exchange) Fax +41-44-7392-215 (fax) christian.hoffmann at