Using R 2.0.1 on Windows XP, I am getting an error
Error in .Fortran("conic", nxy = nxy, npt = npt, CP cp, EP1 = ep1, EP2
= ep2, :
Fortran function name not in load table
I am wondering if there is a way to see what function
names are in the load table? Maybe the function name
has been altered?
The first thing I do in my analysis script is to load
a DLL, conic.dll, which contains the fcn, conic:
No error msgs are reported after this call.
Calls to is.loaded() return FALSE:
> is.loaded(symbol.For("CONIC"))
[1] FALSE> is.loaded(symbol.For("conic"))
I used a DLL Viewer (PE Explorer) to 'verify' that
"conic" is in conic.dll.
Any suggestions?
I did successfully use this code using R on Red Hat
Linux 4 yrs ago, in which case I created a .so.
I would prefer to use Windows this time.