>>>>> "accetta" == accetta <accetta at
>>>>> on Wed, 27 Apr 2005 11:55:56 +0200 writes:
accetta> Dear all, I would like to call TLNise ("Two-Level
accetta> Normal indipendent sampling estimation") software
accetta> within R.
accetta> This software estimates a hierarchical model and it
accetta> can be download from Philip Everson's website at
accetta> The TLNise software consists of:
accetta> 1) a Fortran source code (tlnisemv1.f) and 2) a
accetta> Splus code (TLNisemv1.src)
accetta> To use this codes within R:
accetta> 1) I compiled the source code using g77 (from
accetta> MinGW). I typed "g77 -c tlnisemv1.f" to create a
accetta> Fortran object file (tlnisemv1.o).
accetta> 2) I edited TLNisemv1.src to point to my copy of
accetta> tlnise.o. I changed the path in
accetta> dyn.load("c:\\tlnisemv1.o")
(which was not ok, as you noticed later)
accetta> 3) I modified the Splus code to be used in R (i.e I
accetta> changed _ with <-)
accetta> 4) I sourced TLNisemv1.src into R using
accetta> source("c/TLNisemv1.src") to load the R functions.
accetta> But when I tried to load the shared library using
accetta> the dyn.load() function I got an error message:
accetta> Error in dyn.load(x, as.logical(local),
accetta> as.logical(now)) : unable to load shared library
accetta> "c:/programmi/wingw/programs/tlnisemv1.dll":
accetta> So I decided to build a DLL from the source file
accetta> "tlnisemv1.f".
accetta> For doing this, I first typed
accetta> "g77 --shared -o tlnisemv1.dll tlnisemv.f" using g77
(from MinGW).
accetta> Then I edited TLNisemv1.src to point to my copy of
accetta> "tlnisemv1.dll".
Here, you should have used something like
Rcmd SHLIB tlnisemv.f
which probably calls g77 itself, but does so in way compatible
with your version of R --- which is very important.
accetta> But again when I tried to load the shared library
accetta> using dyn.load() function I got the same error
accetta> message.
accetta> How can I debug this problem? How should I
accetta> proceed? Have you have used TLNise software in R?
accetta> Thank you
accetta> Gabriele Accetta