2005-Apr-13 16:57 UTC
[R] Summary: GLMMs: Negative Binomial family in R
Here is a summary of responses to my original email (see my query at the bottom). Thank you to Achim Zeileis , Anders Nielsen, Pierre Kleiber and Dave Fournier who all helped out with advice. I hope that their responses will help some of you too. ***************************************** Check out glm.nb() from package MASS fits negative binomial GLMs. ***************************************** For known theta, you can plug negative.binomial(theta) into glmmPQL() for example. (Both functions are also available in MASS.) Look at package zicounts for zero-inflated Poisson and NB models. For these models, there is also code available at which also hosts code for hurdle models. ***************************************** Consider using the function supplied in the post: for fitting negative binomial mixed effects models. ***************************************** Check out these recent postings to the R list: *this refers to the random effects module of AD Model Builderthat can be called from R via the driver functon glmm.admb(). Their example problem fits the model with a negative binomial. The function can be downloaded from ************ *********** My Original Query Greetings R Users! I have a data set of count responses for which I have made repeated observations on the experimental units (stream reaches) over two air photo dates, hence the mixed effect. I have been using Dr. Jim Lindsey's GLMM function found in his "repeated" measures package with the "poisson" family. My problem though is that I don't think the poisson distribution is the right one to discribe my data which is overdispersed; the variance is greater than the mean. I have read that the "negative binomial" regression models can account for some of the differences among observations by adding in a error term that independent of the the covariates. I haven't yet come across a mixed effects model that can use the "negative binomial" distribution. If any of you know of such a function - I will certainly look forward to hearing from you! Additionally, if any of you have insight on zero-inflated data, and testing for this, I'd be interested in your comments too. I'll post a summary of your responses to this list. Best Regards, Nadele Flynn, M.Sc. candidate. University of Alberta
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