Hi all, I am trying to use RExcel at the moment. I am able to get it to work for simple commands, but I can't seem to get it to work when I subset the data. So for example, if I start RExcel, and then 'Put R var' with the following: 1 1 2 2 1 2 3 1 2 4 1 2 5 1 2 6 1 2 7 1 2 8 1 2 9 1 2 10 1 2 and set it to variable x, then I 'run R' on the code 'z <- t(x)' and use 'Get R value' for z, I get what I expect - a transposed version of x. But if I do the following 'z <- x[,2]' and get the value z, all I get is a 'Subscript out of range' error warning. This happens when I do the same thing using the Macro functions. Hence my question is, is it possible to do subscripting within the context of RExcel? I would gratefully appreciate any help on this problem. Matthew Nash, Post-Doctoral Research Worker, GENDEP study, SGDP, Institute of Psychiatry, PO82, Room CB.15, 16 De Crespigny Park, London, SE5 8AF, United Kingdom Phone: (+44) 207 848 0805 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ Announcing the 6th MRC SGDP SUMMER SCHOOL 25 -? 29 July 2005 with courses in a) Twin model fitting, Mx b) Microarrays (Affymetrix), gene expression, SNPs c) Linkage, association and allied methods http://sgdp.iop.kcl.ac.uk/summerschool/