This is about an Omegahat package.
Especially for packages not on CRAN, please ask the maintainer in the
first instance. There were Omegahat mailing lists: I do not know if they
are currently operational but this does indicate that R-help is not the
appropriate place to ask.
Your questions are about Windows, not R, and the posting guide would point
you to R-devel not R-help if either.
On Sun, 3 Apr 2005, Chalasani, Prasad wrote:
> Has anyone managed to get this working?
> Here's what I did:
> I got the binary build for R2.0.1 from the Omegahat
> download page, and made a small change to
> the registerClassID function ( to make it use
> the right path to RDCOMServer.dll).
> Then I tried to replicate the simple TTest example
> from the same web site. The COM class definition
> and registration worked fine for me.
> To test this, I tried to create the COM object using
> COMCreate ( from the RDCOMClient package ):
> COMCreate('R.TTest') -- this causes an error saying
> "Error in the DLL".
> In other words it is able to get the DLL path
> correctly via the Win registry, but is then having
> a problem with the DLL.
> If anyone has a working Windows build for R2.0.1,
> please let me know.
Brian D. Ripley, ripley at
Professor of Applied Statistics,
University of Oxford, Tel: +44 1865 272861 (self)
1 South Parks Road, +44 1865 272866 (PA)
Oxford OX1 3TG, UK Fax: +44 1865 272595