Dear r-help subscribers,
I am working on some survival analysis of some interval censored failure
time data in R. I have done similar analysis before using PROC LIFEREG
in SAS. In that instance, a gamma survival function was the optimum
parametric model for describing the survival and hazard functions. I
would like to be able to use a gamma function in R, but apparently the
survival package does not support this distribution. I have been
googling around for some help, and have found some threads to a similar
question posted to the R-Help list in October last year. Because I am a
bit of a survival analysis and R newbie, I didn't really understand the
discussion thread.
I've been working with a Weibull distribution, thus:
>leafsurv.weibull<-survreg(Surv(minage, maxage, censorcode, type
"interval")~1, dist = "weib")
And I guess I'd like to be able to do something that's the equivalent of
>leafsurv.gamma<-survreg(Surv(minage, maxage, censorcode, type
"interval")~1, dist = "gamma")
At least one of the R-help listserver comments mentioned using
survreg.distributions to customise a gamma distribution, but I can't
figure out how to make this work with the resources (intellectual and
bibliographical!) that I have available.
With thanks in advance for your help,
Dr Roger Dungan
School of Biological Sciences
University of Cantebury
Christchurch, New Zealand
ph +64 3 366 7001 ext. 4848
fax +64 3 354 2590