nlsList from nlme library can fit nonlinear models for dataset grouped by
some specification, e.g. by specie in your case
>-- Mensaje Original --
>From: "Mike Saunders" <mike_saunders at umenfa.maine.edu>
>To: "R Help" <r-help at stat.math.ethz.ch>
>Date: Thu, 16 Dec 2004 10:40:00 -0500
>Subject: [R] nls question
>Just a quick question. Is there a way to easily specify factor levels
in>a function definition within nls? For example, I am trying to fit a 3
parameter,>nonlinear Weibull function to tree height and I would like to have results
>by species (or down the road a bit, by plot). I am hoping there is someway
>to do it easily, similar to the "gas example" in the ANCOVA
chapter in
Modern>Applied Statistics with S, and not running it with a "by" function
or making
>a very complex function statement with all factor levels combinations.
>Can someone point me in the right direction?
>Mike Saunders
>Research Assistant
>Forest Ecosystem Research Program
>Department of Forest Ecosystem Sciences
>University of Maine
>Orono, ME 04469
>207-581-2763 (O)
>207-581-4257 (F)
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