On Wed, 17 Nov 2004, Emanuela Rossi wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm trying to estimate a cox model with a frailty variable and
> time-dependent covariate (below there is the statement I use and the
> error message). It's seems to be impossible, because every time I add
> the time-dependent covariate the model doesn't converge. Instead, if I
> estimate the same model without the time-dependent covariate it's
> converge. I'd like knowing if it's a statistical problem due to the
> model formula or if it could be a problem related to my data.
The message you quote probably does not indicate a convergence problem,
since it is only in "iterations 1 3".
Howver, there does seem to be a bug with interactions of any sort in
frailty models, something connected with reordering terms. You could try
defining a variable by hand for your interaction term and fitting the
model that way.
Incidentally, I am not nearly as enthusiastic about the frailty models as
many users seem to be. For most multivariate survival problems I
wouldn't want to fit a frailty model, and I'm not sure that I would
the penalised likelihood approximation if I did. The exception would be
situations where I was actually interested in the variance components, as
in Dr Therneau's new "kinship" package for linkage analysis with
> Thanks a lot
> Emanuela Rossi
>> fit_19_1<-coxph(Surv(DATA_INI1,DATA_FIN1,EVENT1)~
> Warning messages:
> 1: Inner loop failed to coverge for iterations 1 3 in: coxpenal.fit(X, Y,
strats, offset, init = init, control, weights = weights,
> 2: longer object length
> is not a multiple of shorter object length in: offset +
coxfit$fcoef[x[, fcol]]
> 3: X matrix deemed to be singular; variable 8 in: coxph(Surv(DATA_INI1,
DATA_FIN1, EVENT1) ~ V1 + V2 + alt1 + alt2 +
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Thomas Lumley Assoc. Professor, Biostatistics
tlumley at u.washington.edu University of Washington, Seattle