Vito Ricci
2004-Oct-15 10:37 UTC
[R] Re: Testing for normality of residuals in a regression model
Dear Federico, see: ? shapiro.test(stats) Shapiro-Wilk Normality Test and ? jarque.bera.test(tseries) Jarque-Bera Test They are the most common tests used for normality testing. Ciao Vito Federico Gherardini wrote on Fri Oct 15 14:44:18 CEST 2004: Hi all, Is it possible to have a test value for assessing the normality of residuals from a linear regression model, instead of simply relying on qqplots? I've tried to use fitdistr to try and fit the residuals with a normal distribution, but fitdsitr only returns the parameters of the distribution and the standard errors, not the p-value. Am I missing something? Cheers, Federico ====Diventare costruttori di soluzioni "The business of the statistician is to catalyze the scientific learning process." George E. P. Box Visitate il portale e in particolare la sezione su Palese