Displaying 20 results from an estimated 4330 matches for "residuals".
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2009 Feb 19
partial residuals & the output of residuals.lm(..., type="partial")
Dear list,
I would like to know how the function residuals.lm calculates the
partial residuals from an lm object with more than one predictor
variable. In other words what is residuals.lm(...,type="partial") doing
behind the scenes? According to the help file for residuals.lm
(?residuals.lm), "The partial residuals are a matrix with ea...
2006 Feb 15
question about the results given by the Box.test?
...if the resiudals of my fitted model is random or not.
I am not sure though what the results mean, I have
looked at various sources on the internet and have
come up with contrasting explanations (mainly because
these info deal with different program languages, like
SAS, SPSS, etc).
I know that my residuals should appropriate white
noise( is random) since a check of its ACF shows it to
be so (signifant correlation only at lag 1, decays
very quickly to zero).
But I am not sure how to interpret the ljung-box
result given by R.
To check for randomness of residuals, should the
p-value be small or large?...
2010 Aug 20
Deviance Residuals
Dear all,
I am running a logistic regression and this is the output:
glm(formula = educationUniv ~ brncntr, family = binomial)
Deviance Residuals:
Min 1Q Median 3Q Max # ???? ????? ?? ????????
-0.8825 -0.7684 -0.7684 1.5044 1.6516
Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)
(Intercept) -1.06869 0.01155 -92.487 <2e-16 ***
brncntrNo 0.32654 0.03742 8.726 <2e-16 ***
2014 Jun 19
[PATCH] stream_encoder : Improve selection of residual accumulator width
...esn't make much sense to me. With
that it can rewritten in log2 as
bps + subframe->qlp_coeff_precision + FLAC__bitmath_ilog2(order - 1) < 32
This is indeed more pessimistic that the currently used check (< 32 vs
<= 32), but I think both make a mistake that the qlp coefficients and
residuals are unsigned integers and are actually more pessimistic than
they would need to be if residuals were at most bps wide. With signed
multiplication I think the correct check would actually be
bps + subframe->qlp_coeff_precision + FLAC__bitmath_ilog2(order) - 1 <= 32
But, as we have seen with...
2010 Mar 11
logistic model diagnostics residuals.lrm {design}, residuals()
I am interested in a model diagnostic for logistic regression which is normally distributed (much like the residuals in linear regression with are ~ N(0,variance unknown).
My understanding is that most (all?) of the residuals returned by residuals.lrm {design} either don't have a well defined distribution or are distributed as Chi-Square.
Have I overlooked a residual measure or would it be possible to trans...
2014 Jun 19
[PATCH] stream_encoder : Improve selection of residual accumulator width
Miroslav Lichvar wrote:
> I think it would be interesting to know how common are such streams. I
> patched flac to print a warning on decoding or testing when this is
> detected, but didn't find any files with this problem in my (small)
> music collection.
> If someone has a large collection and some cycles to spare, can you please
> consider compiling flac from git
2013 Jun 05
combining two different matrizes
Hello together,
this is ma first post, so please aplogize me if post this in the wrong
I have problem concerning ma two matrizes.
After a regressione and so on, I got two matrizes
Matrixres contains the results of ma calculation.
Matrixr contains my detiene, which where Aldo used for the regression.
Please ser the following code:
#Datei einlesen
residual =
2011 Feb 16
retrieving partial residuals of gam fit (mgcv)
Dear list,
does anybody know whether there is a way to easily retrieve the so called "partial residuals" of a gam fit with package mgcv? The partial residuals are the residuals you would get if you would "leave out" a particular predictor and are the dots in the plots created by
residuals.gam() gives me whole model residuals and predict.gam(...,type=...
2011 Mar 10
Problem with defining new method for residuals()
Dear all,
I'm writing a package and I would like to reuse the residuals() function. When I use a function which calls the redefined residuals (for my custom class) I get an error (see below). It looks like the wrong method is used. The strange this is, that when it execute the code manually it get no error.
Any suggestions?
Best regards,
The entire source c...
2004 Jan 14
How can I test if time series residuals' are uncorrelated ?
Ok I made Jarque-Bera test to the residuals (merv.reg$residual)
X-squared = 1772.369, df = 2, p-value = < 2.2e-16
And I reject the null hypotesis (H0: merv.reg$residual are normally
So I know that:
1 - merv.reg$residual aren't independently distributed (Box-Ljung test...
2004 Jan 13
How can I test if a not independently and not identically distributed time series residuals' are uncorrelated ?
..., quote="Close")
merv <- na.remove(log(Argentina))
I made the Augmented Dickey-Fuller test to analyse
if merv have unit root:
Dickey-Fuller = -1.4645, p-value = 0.805,
merv have unit root than diff(merv,1) is stationary.
Than I made Breushch-Pagan test to test if residuals are identically distributed:
BP = 81.3443, df = 2, p-value = < 2.2e-16
So merv.reg$resid aren't identically distributed. Than merv is heteroscedastik.
Finally I made Box-Ljung test to test if residuals ar...
2003 Aug 27
Basic GLM: residuals definition
Dear R Users,
I suppose this is a school boy question, but here it is anyway. I'm trying to re-create the residuals for a poisson GLM with simulated data;
my.resids<-(log(x)- summary(model)$coefficients[1])
This shows that my calculated residuals (my.resids) are not the same as residuals(model).
p 65 of Annette Dobson's book...
2010 Jun 21
Interpreting lm Residuals...
I am using the lm function in R to fit several linear models to a
fair-sized dataset (~160 collections of ~1000 data points each). My
data have intrinsic, systematic uncertainty much greater than the
measurement errors on any individual point. My thought is to use the
residuals of my linear fits to quantify this intrinsic uncertainty, but
I am puzzled over the correct interpretation of R's output.
I have attached plots of the fit and the residuals to one of my
sub-groups, for illustration. By eye, the overwhelming majority of the
residuals are within +- 0.4, and I w...
2004 Mar 28
residuals with missing values
hi: sorry to bother you all again. I am running a simple lm(y~x+z)
regression, in which some of the observations are missing.
Unfortunately, the residuals vector from the lm object omits all the
missing values, which means that I cannot simply do residual diagnostics
(e.g., plot(y,x)). Would it not make more sense to have the residuals
propagate the missing values, so that the residuals are guaranteed to
have the same length as the variables?...
2009 Apr 06
Need help in calculating studentized residuals/leverage values of non-linear model [nls()]
Hi there,
I hope I can get advice regarding the calculation of leverage values or
studentized residual values of a non-linear regression model. It seems like
rstudent() does not work on a nls object.
Many thanks in advance!
Best regards,
2018 Feb 23
How to Save the residuals of an LM object greater or less than a certin value to an R object?
Dear list members,
I want to save residuals above or less than a certain value to an R
object. I have performed a multiple linear regression, and now I want
to find out which cases have a residual of above + 2.5 and ? 2.5.
Below I provide the R commands I have used.
Reg<-lm(a~b+c+d+e+f) # perform multiple regression with a as the
2014 Jun 19
[PATCH] stream_encoder : Improve selection of residual accumulator width
On Thu, Jun 19, 2014 at 03:30:06PM +0200, Miroslav Lichvar wrote:
> But, as we have seen with unusual data the residual signal can be
> wider than bps. The FLAC format specification doesn't seem to mention
> this. Should it be treated as a valid FLAC stream?
I think it would be interesting to know how common are such streams. I
patched flac to print a warning on decoding or testing
2006 Mar 16
DIfference between weights options in lm GLm and gls.
Dear R-List users,
Can anyone explain exactly the difference between Weights options in lm glm
and gls?
I try the following codes, but the results are different.
> lm1
lm(formula = y ~ x)
(Intercept) x
0.1183 7.3075
> lm2
lm(formula = y ~ x, weights = W)
(Intercept) x
0.04193 7.30660
> lm3
2004 Nov 02
Problems with Durbin Watson and Partial Residual Plots
I am trying to evaluate a model by using the commands durbin.watson and cr.plot.
However, I keep getting errors that I can't figure out. A description follows. Does anyone have a hint as to what may be wrong?
1)The Durbin Watson Test. In running the command I kept getting the
message "residuals include missing values" when actually this was NOT the
Error in durbin.watson.lm(hw8LM0) : residuals include missing values
(2)Partial Residual Plots: Here I kept getting that the variables I choose
are not in the model, i.e. "Time is not in the...
2013 Nov 01
Package(s) for making waffle plot-like figures?
Dear all,
I am trying to make a series of waffle plot-like figures for my data to
visualize the ratios of amino acid residues at each position. For each one
of 37 positions, there may be one to four different amino acid residues. So
the data consist of the positions, what residues are there, and the ratios
of residues. The ratios of residues at a position add up to 100, or close
to 100 (more on