Gijs Plomp
2004-Aug-10 03:40 UTC
[R] Enduring LME confusion… or Psychologists and Mixed-Effects
Dear ExpeRts, Suppose I have a typical psychological experiment that is a within-subjects design with multiple crossed variables and a continuous response variable. Subjects are considered a random effect. So I could model > aov1 <- aov(resp~fact1*fact2+Error(subj/(fact1*fact2)) However, this only holds for orthogonal designs with equal numbers of observation and no missing values. These assumptions are easily violated so I seek refuge in fitting a mixed-effects model with the nlme library. > lme1 <- lme(resp~fact1*fact2, random=~1|subj) When testing the 'significance? of the effects of my factors, with anova(lme1), the degrees of freedom that lme uses in the denominator spans all observations and is identical for all factors and their interaction. I read in a previous post on the list ("[R] Help with lme basics") that this is inherent to lme. I studied the instructive book of Pinheiro & Bates and I understand why the degrees of freedom are assigned as they are, but think it may not be appropriate in this case. Used in this way it seems that lme is more prone to type 1 errors than aov. To get more conservative degrees of freedom one could model > lme2 <- lme(resp~fact1*fact2, random=~1|subj/fact1/fact2) But this is not a correct model because it assumes the factors to be hierarchically ordered, which they are not. Another alternative is to model the random effect using a matrix, as seen in "[R] lme and mixed effects" on this list. > lme3 <- (resp~fact1*fact2, random=list(subj=pdIdent(form=~fact1-1), subj=~1, fact2=~1) This provides 'correct? degrees of freedom for fact1, but not for the other effects and I must confess that I don't understand this use of matrices, I?m not a statistician. My questions thus come down to this: 1. When aov?s assumptions are violated, can lme provide the right model for within-subjects designs where multiple fixed effects are NOT hierarchically ordered? 2. Are the degrees of freedom in anova(lme1) the right ones to report? If so, how do I convince a reviewer that, despite the large number of degrees of freedom, lme does provide a conservative evaluation of the effects? If not, how does one get the right denDf in a way that can be easily understood? I hope that my confusion is all due to an ignorance of statistics and that someone on this list will kindly point that out to me. I do realize that this type of question has been asked before, but think that an illuminating answer can help R spread into the psychological community.
Spencer Graves
2004-Aug-10 10:44 UTC
[R] Enduring LME confusion… or Psychologists and Mixed-Effects
Have you considered trying a Monte Carlo? The significance probabilities for unbalanced anovas use approximations. Package nlme provides "simulate.lme" to facilitate this. I believe this function is also mentioned in Pinheiro and Bates (2000). hope this helps. spencer graves p.s. You could try the same thing in both library(nlme) and library(lme4). Package lme4 is newer and, at least for most cases, better. Gijs Plomp wrote:> Dear ExpeRts, > > Suppose I have a typical psychological experiment that is a > within-subjects design with multiple crossed variables and a > continuous response variable. Subjects are considered a random effect. > So I could model > > aov1 <- aov(resp~fact1*fact2+Error(subj/(fact1*fact2)) > > However, this only holds for orthogonal designs with equal numbers of > observation and no missing values. These assumptions are easily > violated so I seek refuge in fitting a mixed-effects model with the > nlme library. > > lme1 <- lme(resp~fact1*fact2, random=~1|subj) > > When testing the 'significance? of the effects of my factors, with > anova(lme1), the degrees of freedom that lme uses in the denominator > spans all observations and is identical for all factors and their > interaction. I read in a previous post on the list ("[R] Help with lme > basics") that this is inherent to lme. I studied the instructive book > of Pinheiro & Bates and I understand why the degrees of freedom are > assigned as they are, but think it may not be appropriate in this > case. Used in this way it seems that lme is more prone to type 1 > errors than aov. > > To get more conservative degrees of freedom one could model > > lme2 <- lme(resp~fact1*fact2, random=~1|subj/fact1/fact2) > > But this is not a correct model because it assumes the factors to be > hierarchically ordered, which they are not. > > Another alternative is to model the random effect using a matrix, as > seen in "[R] lme and mixed effects" on this list. > > lme3 <- (resp~fact1*fact2, random=list(subj=pdIdent(form=~fact1-1), > subj=~1, fact2=~1) > > This provides 'correct? degrees of freedom for fact1, but not for the > other effects and I must confess that I don't understand this use of > matrices, I?m not a statistician. > > My questions thus come down to this: > > 1. When aov?s assumptions are violated, can lme provide the right > model for within-subjects designs where multiple fixed effects are NOT > hierarchically ordered? > > 2. Are the degrees of freedom in anova(lme1) the right ones to report? > If so, how do I convince a reviewer that, despite the large number of > degrees of freedom, lme does provide a conservative evaluation of the > effects? If not, how does one get the right denDf in a way that can be > easily understood? > > I hope that my confusion is all due to an ignorance of statistics and > that someone on this list will kindly point that out to me. I do > realize that this type of question has been asked before, but think > that an illuminating answer can help R spread into the psychological > community. > > ______________________________________________ > R-help at mailing list > > PLEASE do read the posting guide! >
Christophe Pallier
2004-Aug-10 15:55 UTC
[R] Re: Enduring LME confusion… or Psychologists and Mixed-Effects
Hello,>> >> Suppose I have a typical psychological experiment that is a >> within-subjects design with multiple crossed variables and a >> continuous response variable. Subjects are considered a random >> effect. So I could model >> > aov1 <- aov(resp~fact1*fact2+Error(subj/(fact1*fact2)) >> >> However, this only holds for orthogonal designs with equal numbers of >> observation and no missing values. These assumptions are easily >> violated so I seek refuge in fitting a mixed-effects model with the >> nlme library. >I suppose that you have, for each subject, enough observations to compute his/her average response for each combination of factor1 and factor2, no? If this is the case, you can perform the analysis with the above formula on the data obtained by 'aggregate(resp,list(subj,fact1,fact2),mean)'. This is an analysis with only *within-subject* factors and there *cannot* be a problem of unequal number of observation when you have only within-subject factors (supposing you have at least one observations for each subject in each condition). I believe the problem with unequal number of observations only occurs when you have at least two crossed *between-subject* (group) variables. Let's imagine you have two binary group factors (A and B) yielding four subgroups of subjects, and for some reason, you do have the same number of observations in each subgroup, Then there are several ways of defining the main effects of A and B. In many cases, the most reasonable definition of the main effect of A is to take the average of A in B1 and in B2 (thus ignoring the number of observations, or weithting equally the four subgroups). To test the null hypothesis of no difference in A when all groups are equally weighted, one common approach in psychology is to pretend that the number of observation is each group is equal to the harmonic mean of the number of observations in each subgroups. The sums of square thud obtained can be compared with the error sum of square in the standard anova to form an F-test. This is called the "unweighted" approach. This can easily be done 'by hand' in R, but there is another approach: You get equivalent statistics as in the unweighted anova when you use so called 'type III' sums of square (I read this in Howell, 1987 'Statistical methods in psychology', and in John Fox book 'An R and S-plus companion to appied regression, p. 140). It is possible to get type III sums of square using John Fox 'car' library. library(car) contrasts(A)=contr.sum contrasts(B)=contr.sum Anova(aov(resp~A*B),type='III') You can compute the equally weighted cell means defining the effect of A with, say: with(aggregate(resp,list(a=a,b=b),mean),tapply(x,a,mean)) I have seen some people advise against using 'type III' sums of square but I do not know their rationale. The important thing, it seems to me, is to know which null hypothesis is tested in a given test. If indeed the type III sums of square test the effect on equally weighted means, they seem okay to me (when this is indeed the hypothesis I want to test). Sorry for not answering any of your questions about the use of 'lme' (I hope others will do), but I feel that 'lme' is not needed in the context of unequal cell frequencies. (I am happy to be corrected if I am wrong). It seems to me that 'lme' is useful when some assumptions of standard anova are violate (e.g. with repeated measurements when the assumption of sphericity is false), or when you have several random factors. Christophe Pallier
Doran, Harold
2004-Aug-12 11:22 UTC
RE: [R] Enduring LME confusion… or Psychologists and Mixed-Effects
Dear Gijs: lme fits models using restricted maximum likelihood by default. So, I believe this is why you have a different DF. If you include method="ML" in the modeling function the DF should be similar to aov. I think your lme code is incorrect given my understanding of your problem. You can use all data points using a repeated measures design. Each subject is measured on multiple occasions. So, observations are nested within individual. You need to add a time variable to indicate the measurement occasion for each subject (e.g., t={0,...,T}). You might try the following: fm1.lme<-lme(rt~time*fact1*fact2*fact3, data=mydata, random=~time|sub, method="ML") Use summary() to get the entire output hope this helps Harold -----Original Message----- From: on behalf of Gijs Plomp Sent: Thu 8/12/2004 4:13 AM To: Cc: Subject: Fwd: [R] Enduring LME confusion… or Psychologists and Mixed-Effects I will follow the suggestion of John Maindonald and present the problem by example with some data. I also follow the advice to use mean scores, somewhat reluctantly though. I know it is common practice in psychology, but wouldn’t it be more elegant if one could use all the data points in an analysis? The data for 5 subjects (myData) are provided at the bottom of this message. It is a crossed within-subject design with three factors and reaction time (RT) as the dependent variable. An initial repeated-measures model would be: aov1<-aov(RT~fact1*fact2*fact3+Error(sub/(fact1*fact2*fact3)),data=myData) Aov complains that the effects involving fact3 are unbalanced: > aov1 … Stratum 4: sub:fact3 Terms: fact3 Residuals Sum of Squares 4.81639e-07 5.08419e-08 Deg. of Freedom 2 8 Residual standard error: 7.971972e-05 6 out of 8 effects not estimable Estimated effects may be unbalanced … Presumably this is because fact3 has three levels and the other ones only two, making this a ‘non-orthogonal’ design. I then fit an equivalent mixed-effects model: lme1<-lme(RT~fact1*fact2*fact3,data=meanData2,random=~1|sub) Subsequently I test if my factors had any effect on RT: > anova(lme1) numDF denDF F-value p-value (Intercept) 1 44 105294024 <.0001 fact1 1 44 22 <.0001 fact2 1 44 7 0.0090 fact3 2 44 19 <.0001 fact1:fact2 1 44 9 0.0047 fact1:fact3 2 44 1 0.4436 fact2:fact3 2 44 1 0.2458 fact1:fact2:fact3 2 44 0 0.6660 Firstly, why are the F-values in the output whole numbers? The effects are estimated over the whole range of the dataset and this is so because all three factors are nested under subjects, on the same level. This, however, seems to inflate the F-values compared to the anova(aov1) output, e.g. > anova(aov1) … Error: sub:fact2 Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Pr(>F) fact2 1 9.2289e-08 9.2289e-08 2.2524 0.2078 Residuals 4 1.6390e-07 4.0974e-08 … I realize that the (probably faulty) aov model may not be directly compared to the lme model, but my concern is if the lme estimation of the effects is right, and if so, how can a naïve skeptic be convinced of this? The suggestion to use simulate.lme() to find this out seems good, but I can’t seem to get it working (from "[R] lme: simulate.lme in R" it seems it may never work in R). I have also followed the suggestion to fit the exact same model with lme4. However, format of the anova output does not give me the estimation in the way nlme does. More importantly, the degrees of freedom in the denominator don’t change, they’re still large: > library(lme4) > lme4_1<-lme(RT~fact1*fact2*fact3,random=~1|sub,data=myData) > anova(lme4_1) Analysis of Variance Table Df Sum Sq Mean Sq Denom F value Pr(>F) fact1I 1 2.709e-07 2.709e-07 48 21.9205 2.360e-05 *** fact2I 1 9.229e-08 9.229e-08 48 7.4665 0.008772 ** fact3L 1 4.906e-08 4.906e-08 48 3.9691 0.052047 . fact3M 1 4.326e-07 4.326e-07 48 34.9972 3.370e-07 *** fact1I:fact2I 1 1.095e-07 1.095e-07 48 8.8619 0.004552 ** fact1I:fact3L 1 8.988e-10 8.988e-10 48 0.0727 0.788577 fact1I:fact3M 1 1.957e-08 1.957e-08 48 1.5834 0.214351 fact2I:fact3L 1 3.741e-09 3.741e-09 48 0.3027 0.584749 fact2I:fact3M 1 3.207e-08 3.207e-08 48 2.5949 0.113767 fact1I:fact2I:fact3L 1 2.785e-09 2.785e-09 48 0.2253 0.637162 fact1I:fact2I:fact3M 1 7.357e-09 7.357e-09 48 0.5952 0.444206 --- I hope that by providing a sample of the data someone can help me out on the questions I asked in my previous mail: >> 1. When aov’s assumptions are violated, can lme provide the right >> model for within-subjects designs where multiple fixed effects are >> NOT hierarchically ordered? >> >> 2. Are the degrees of freedom in anova(lme1) the right ones to >> report? If so, how do I convince a reviewer that, despite the large >> number of degrees of freedom, lme does provide a conservative >> evaluation of the effects? If not, how does one get the right denDf >> in a way that can be easily understood? If anyone thinks he can help me better by looking at the entire data set, I very much welcome them to email me for further discussion. In great appreciation of your help and work for the R-community, Gijs Plomp >myData sub fact1 fact2 fact3 RT 1 s1 C C G 0.9972709 2 s2 C C G 0.9981664 3 s3 C C G 0.9976909 4 s4 C C G 0.9976047 5 s5 C C G 0.9974346 6 s1 I C G 0.9976206 7 s2 I C G 0.9981980 8 s3 I C G 0.9980503 9 s4 I C G 0.9980620 10 s5 I C G 0.9977682 11 s1 C I G 0.9976633 12 s2 C I G 0.9981558 13 s3 C I G 0.9979286 14 s4 C I G 0.9980474 15 s5 C I G 0.9976030 16 s1 I I G 0.9977088 17 s2 I I G 0.9981506 18 s3 I I G 0.9980494 19 s4 I I G 0.9981183 20 s5 I I G 0.9976804 21 s1 C C L 0.9975495 22 s2 C C L 0.9981248 23 s3 C C L 0.9979146 24 s4 C C L 0.9974583 25 s5 C C L 0.9976865 26 s1 I C L 0.9977107 27 s2 I C L 0.9982071 28 s3 I C L 0.9980966 29 s4 I C L 0.9980372 30 s5 I C L 0.9976303 31 s1 C I L 0.9976152 32 s2 C I L 0.9982363 33 s3 C I L 0.9978750 34 s4 C I L 0.9981402 35 s5 C I L 0.9977018 36 s1 I I L 0.9978076 37 s2 I I L 0.9981699 38 s3 I I L 0.9980628 39 s4 I I L 0.9981092 40 s5 I I L 0.9977054 41 s1 C C M 0.9978842 42 s2 C C M 0.9982752 43 s3 C C M 0.9980277 44 s4 C C M 0.9978250 45 s5 C C M 0.9978353 46 s1 I C M 0.9979674 47 s2 I C M 0.9983277 48 s3 I C M 0.9981954 49 s4 I C M 0.9981703 50 s5 I C M 0.9980047 51 s1 C I M 0.9976940 52 s2 C I M 0.9983019 53 s3 C I M 0.9982484 54 s4 C I M 0.9981784 55 s5 C I M 0.9978177 56 s1 I I M 0.9978636 57 s2 I I M 0.9982188 58 s3 I I M 0.9982024 59 s4 I I M 0.9982358 60 s5 I I M 0.9978581 ______________________________________________ mailing list PLEASE do read the posting guide! 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Prof Brian Ripley
2004-Aug-12 12:04 UTC
RE: [R] Enduring LME confusion… or Psychologists and Mixed-Effects
On Thu, 12 Aug 2004, Doran, Harold wrote:> lme fits models using restricted maximum likelihood by default. So, I > believe this is why you have a different DF. If you include method="ML" > in the modeling function the DF should be similar to aov.It is REML and not ML that generalizes the classical multistratum AoV. In any case, REML and ML use the same subspaces, just different methods for estimating variances within them. -- Brian D. Ripley, ripley at Professor of Applied Statistics, University of Oxford, Tel: +44 1865 272861 (self) 1 South Parks Road, +44 1865 272866 (PA) Oxford OX1 3TG, UK Fax: +44 1865 272595