Displaying 20 results from an estimated 25 matches for "aov1".
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2001 Dec 12
again evaluations
Hello, I wrote the following function to compute multiple comparisons in
a one way anova and randomized blocks anova.
aov1 <- function(y,g,s=NULL,comp="mca",meth="Sidak") {
fun <- function(x)
li <- length(unique(g))
cat(" Analysis of Variance with Multiple comparisons\n\n")
cat(" Groups : ",li,"...
2003 Jun 17
lme() vs aov(y ~ A*B + Error(aa %in% A + bb %in% B)) [repost]
I've posted the following to R-help on May 15.
It has reproducible R code for real data -- and a real
(academic, i.e unpaid) consultion background.
I'd be glad for some insight here, mainly not for myself.
In the mean time, we've learned that it is to be expected for
anova(*, "marginal") to be contrast dependent, but still are
glad for advice if you have experience.
2004 Aug 12
Re: R-help Digest, Vol 18, Issue 12
The message for aov1 was "Estimated effects <may> be unbalanced". The
effects are not unbalanced. The design is 'orthogonal'.
The problem is that there are not enough degrees of freedom to estimate
all those error terms. If you change the model to:
aov1 <-
2013 Apr 05
(no subject)
I am running error rate analysis. It is my results below. When I compare
aov1 and aov2, X square = 4.05, p = 0.044, which indicates that adding the
factor "Congruity" improved the fitting of model. However, the following Z
value is less than 1 and p value for Z is 1, which means that "Congruity"
is not significant at all. Therefore, these two parts are no...
2005 Oct 27
F tests for random effect models
...ndement ~ Lignee * Pollinisateur, data = mca2)
Lignee Pollinisateur Lignee:Pollinisateur
20 10 2
Of course, summary(aov(Rendement ~ Pollinisateur * Lignee, data = mca2)) gives wrong tests of random
effects. But, summary(aov1 <- aov(Rendement ~ Error(Pollinisateur * Lignee), data = mca2)) gives no
test at all, and I have to do it like this :
tab1 <- matrix(unlist(summary(aov1)), nc=5, byrow=T)[,1:3]
Femp <- c(tab1[1:3, 3]/tab1[c(3,3,4), 3])
names(Femp) <- c("Pollinisateur", "Lignee",...
2005 Oct 28
Random effect models
...I put it in another way :
I want to test random effects in this random effect model :
Rendement ~ Pollinisateur (random) + Lignee (random) + Pollinisateur:Lignee (random)
Of course :
summary(aov(Rendement ~ Pollinisateur * Lignee, data = mca2))
gives wrong tests for random effects.
But :
summary(aov1 <- aov(Rendement ~ Error(Pollinisateur * Lignee), data = mca2))
gives no test at all, and I have to do it with mean squares lying in summary(aov1).
With "lme4" package (I did'nt succeed in writing a working formula with lme from "nlme" package),
I can "see" sta...
2001 Dec 17
environments again
...clear enough in my querry.
I have the following program:
tst<- function() {
x <- c(32.7,32.3,31.5,32.1,29.7,29.1,35.7,35.9,33.1,
g <- rep(1:7,rep(3,7))
s <- rep(1:3,7)
cat(" Only x and g \n")
cat("\n\n Now x, g and s \n")
aov1 <- function(y,g,s=NULL,comp="mca",meth="Sidak") {
fun <- function(x)
li <- length(unique(g))
cat(" Analysis of Variance with...
2011 May 21
Problem with ANOVA repeated measures: "Error() model is singular"
As you can notice each subject repeated the evaluation in 2 conditions (EXP1 and EXP2).
What I am interested in is to know if there are significant differences between
the evaluations of the males and the females.
This is the command I used to perform the ANOVA with repeated measures:
aov1 = aov(response ~ stimulus*sex + Error(subject/(stimulus*sex)), data=scrd)
I get the following error:
> aov1 = aov(response ~ stimulus*sex + Error(subject/(stimulus*sex)), data=scrd)
Warning message:
In aov(response ~ stimulus * sex + Error(subject/(stimulus * sex)),...
2011 Jan 07
anova vs aov commands for anova with repeated measures
Dear all,
I need to understand a thing in the beheaviour of the two functions aov and
anova in the following case
involving an analysis of ANOVA with repeated measures:
If I use the folowing command I don´t get any problem:
>aov1 = aov(response ~ stimulus*condition + Error(subject/(stimulus*condition)),
> summary(aov1)
Instead if I try to fit the same model for the regression I get an error:
> fit1<- lm(response ~ stimulus*condition + Error(subject/(stimulus*condition)),
2011 Jan 09
Post hoc analysis for ANOVA with repeated measures
...le over internet in R...is there among you
someone so kind to give
me an hint with a R example please?
For example, the aov result of my analysis says that there is a statistical
difference between stimuli (there are 7 different stimuli).
...I would like to know which stimuli are involved.
> aov1 = aov(response ~ stimulus*condition + Error(subject/(stimulus*condition)),
> summary(aov1)
Error: subject
Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Pr(>F)
Residuals 14 227.57 16.255
Error: subject:stimulus
Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Pr(>F)
2001 Dec 23
aov for mixed model (fixed and random)?
...ix subjects, a random effect.
h1 <- c(7.8,8.7, 11.1,12.0, 11.7,10.0, # Each S does each task twice.
8.0,9.2, 11.3,10.6, 9.8,11.9,
4.0,6.9, 9.8,10.1, 11.7,12.6,
10.3,9.4, 11.4,10.5, 7.9,8.1,
9.3,10.6, 13.0,11.7, 8.3,7.9,
9.5,9.8, 12.2,12.3, 8.6,10.5)
aov1 <- aov(h1~task*subj)
anova(aov1) # See note below.
lme1 <- lme(h1~task,random=~1|subj)
lme2 <- lme(h1~task,random=~1|subj/task)
anova(lme1,lme2) # for interaction
anova(lme2) # for effect of task
The anova gives very close to the correct F values for subj
(1.68, according to Hays...
2004 Aug 11
Fwd: Enduring LME confusion… or Psychologists and Mixed-Effects
>> Dear ExpeRts,
>> Suppose I have a typical psychological experiment that is a
>> within-subjects design with multiple crossed variables and a
>> continuous response variable. Subjects are considered a random
>> effect. So I could model
>> > aov1 <- aov(resp~fact1*fact2+Error(subj/(fact1*fact2))
>> However, this only holds for orthogonal designs with equal numbers of
>> observation and no missing values. These assumptions are easily
>> violated so I seek refuge in fitting a mixed-effects model with the
2004 Aug 10
Enduring LME confusion… or Psychologists and Mixed-Effects
Dear ExpeRts,
Suppose I have a typical psychological experiment that is a
within-subjects design with multiple crossed variables and a continuous
response variable. Subjects are considered a random effect. So I could model
> aov1 <- aov(resp~fact1*fact2+Error(subj/(fact1*fact2))
However, this only holds for orthogonal designs with equal numbers of
observation and no missing values. These assumptions are easily violated
so I seek refuge in fitting a mixed-effects model with the nlme library.
> lme1 <- lme(resp~f...
2011 Jan 08
Anova with repeated measures for unbalanced design
...I need an help because I am really not able to find over internet a good example
in R to analyze an unbalanced table with Anova with repeated measures.
For unbalanced table I mean that the questions are not answered all by the same
number of subjects.
For a balanced case I would use the command
aov1 = aov(response ~ stimulus*condition + Error(subject/(stimulus*condition)),
Does the same code still work for unbalanced design?
Can anyone provide a R example of code in order to get the same analysis?
Thanks in advance for any suggestion.
Best regards
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2009 Apr 07
Pulling data into a model
I'm creating an ANOVA model. Is there a way to pull in consecutive columns of variables for the test?
Example: aov1<-aov(y~x1+x2+REG[,2:num], data=REG)
I'm not looking for interaction effects, I just want to create a model for the first few columns of variables (exact number and names will vary) and a few other predetermined variables (in the example I named them x1 and x2).
Thanks in advance.
- Jacy...
2009 Oct 27
anova interaction contrasts: crossing helmert and linear contrasts
...variable "dist" with the two sets of helmert contrasts of
the variable "train".
I have tried so many things I think are wrong I won't reproduce them all here.
Here is a representative example:
My code:
contrasts(dist) = c(-3, -1, 1, 3)
contrasts(train) = contr.helmert(3)
aov1 = aov(fatigue~dist*train)
summary(aov1, intercept = T, split=list(train=1:2), expand.split = T)
My output:
? ? ? ? ? ? ? Df Sum Sq Mean Sq ?F value ? ?Pr(>F)
(Intercept) ? ? ? 1 890.03 ?890.03 801.0250 < 2.2e-16 ***
dist ? ? ? ? ? ? ?3 ?85.19 ? 28.40 ?25.5583 1.199e-07 ***
train ? ? ? ? ?...
2010 Feb 15
Adjusted means and generalized chain block designs
Dear Colleagues,
John Mandel ( Chain block designs with two-way elimination of heterogeneity.
Biometrics 10, 251-272 ,1954).
extended the class of chain block designs (Youden & Conner (1953)
to elimination of both row and column (blocks) effects.
These experimental designs can be useful in engineering
and other fields.
I am having difficulty obtaining his adjusted treatment means
in his
2012 Apr 15
correct implementation of a mixed-model ANOVA in R
...9.82, 10.07, 8.34, 9.94, 11.38,
9.19, 8.35, 10.17, 9.04)), .Names = c("subject", "block", "treatment",
"session", "blood", "score"), row.names = c(NA, -30L), class = "data.frame")
# some first try which however throws a warning
aov1 <-
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2009 Mar 07
ttest in R
Dear list,
i am a biologist who needs to do some ttest between disease and non disease,
sex, genotype and the serum levels of proteins on a large number of
individuals. i have been using excel for a long time but it is very tedious
and time consuming. i am posting the data below and ask your help in
generating a code to get this analysis done in R. thanks
gender disease genotype data
2013 Jan 27
decimal places in R2HTML
Dear R People:
I have an AOV model that I get confidence intervals from via
> confint(chick1.aov1)
2.5 % 97.5 %
trtA 1.472085 1.607915
trtB 1.512085 1.647915
trtC 1.328751 1.464582
I am using R2HTML to produce HTML output. However, the HTML code
itself just has rounded values, i.e., 1.5 and 1.6.
Has anyone run across this, please?
Any suggestions would be much appreciated.