I have gotten past the segmentation fault issue. I needed to set the
environment variable LD_PRELOAD to libclntsh.so.9.0. I still have another
issue, whenever I query the database I get back an empty result set. Has anyone
come across this? Here is the example code that I am using:
> library('ROracle')
> ora <- Oracle()
> con <- dbConnect(ora, "username/password at database")
> rs <- dbGetQuery(con, "select x, g from R_TEST")
> rs
<Expired OraResult:(7115,0,1)>
or alternatively:
> library('ROracle')
> ora <- Oracle()
> con <- dbConnect(ora, "username/password at database")
> res <- dbSendQuery(con, statement = paste("SELECT X, G FROM
> res
<OraResult:(7054,0,1)>> data1 <- fetch(res, n = 100)
Warning message:
no more records to fetch in: oraFetch(res, n, ...) > data1
NULL data frame with 0 rows> dim(data1)
[1] 0 0
Mark Threefoot
-----Original Message-----
From: Threefoot, Mark
Sent: Monday, May 24, 2004 1:37 PM
To: 'r-help at stat.math.ethz.ch'
Subject: ROracle on RHEL 3 x86_64
I am trying to configure my system with ROracle. I am running RHEL 3 AS
x86_64. I have the Oracle client x86_64. I have successfully compiled
and run both R-1.8.1 and R-1.9.0 (tried ROracle on both installations). I am
using DBI 1.8 and ROracle 0.5-4. I have used both the default Redhat installed
gcc 3.2.3 and gcc 3.4. I am able to compile ROracle successfully with the
following command:
When I run R, I get a Segmentation fault after the dbConnect call:
> library('ROracle')
> ora <- Oracle()
> con <- dbConnect(ora, "username/password at database")
Segmentation fault (core dumped)
Has anyone run into this, or are running the same configuration? Any help
would be appreciated.
Mark Threefoot
mark.threefoot at amd.com