Dear helper.
I am a student in SFSU.
I had a class that introduce a new open-source "R" in this semester.
It's, however, hard to understand how to make "R" command.
Especially, at this time we( including my friend) have to explain some
(e.g. mahalanobis distance, kolmogorov-smirnow statistics, ROC curve, Gini
coefficient, and the delta approach)
We have to explain these concepts based on credit scoring and we also have
to show examples of each concept by using "R". I did not find any
with which i can use.
This is why i send an e-mail to you helper.
I think you helpers are able to make "R" command.
Please send me any examples you make.
If you need more information, just let me know and I send all information
you need.
Thank you!
Have a nice day!
Bong-Jo An