Ed L Cashin wrote:>
> Hi. I can quickly create a by object that selects rows from a data
> frame. After that, though, I don't know how to merge the rows back
> into a data frame that I can use.
> Here is an example where there is a data frame with three columns, a,
> b, and c. I update it so that there are two rows for each combination
> of a and b. I use by to select the subgroups of rows that share the
> same a and b values, and then I take only the row with the highest c
> value.
> I can see little data frames inside the by object, but I can't get a
> new data frame containing only the rows with the highest c value. In
> the example below most of the by object is NULL, but it contains data
> frames with the rows I'm interested in selecting.
> > d <- data.frame(a=1:4,b=4:1,c=31:34)
> > d
> a b c
> 1 1 4 31
> 2 2 3 32
> 3 3 2 33
> 4 4 1 34
> > b <- by(d, list(d$a,d$b,d$c), function(x) x)
> > d <- data.frame(a=1:4,b=4:1,c=31:34)
> > d <- rbind(d, data.frame(a=1:4,b=4:1,c=41:44))
> > b <- by(d, list(d$a,d$b,d$c), function(x) x[x$c == max(x$c),])
You are better off using other tools to give you the right subsets. Try
d <- do.call("rbind", lapply(split(d, factor(paste(d$a, d$b, sep
function(el) el[el$c == max(el$c), ]))
Julian Taylor phone: +61 8 8303 6751
ARC Research Associate fax: +61 8 8303 6760
BiometricsSA, mobile: +61 4 1638 8180
University of Adelaide/SARDI email: julian.taylor at adelaide.edu.au
Private Mail Bag 1 www:
Glen Osmond SA 5064
"There is no spoon." -- Orphan boy