Suggestions from both Prof Brian Ripley and Gabor Grothendiec solved
my problem.
From Prof Ripley:
>This is a problem of your OS: your example works on all of mine.
>Can't you change the origin in chron? If not, you should certainly be
>able to do
>as.POSIXct(strptime(as.character(testDATES), "%m/%d/%y"))
This still resulted in NA's on my system.
>Here's what I think you can do most easily:
>shift <- julian(1,1,1970, origin=c(month = 12, day = 30, year = 1899))
>as.POSIXct(chron(dates=unclass(testDATES) - shift))
But this worked.
From Gabor Grothendiec:
>At any rate, one idea is to create the chron dates
>relative to the default origin like this:
> > testDATES<-c(35947,35971,36004,36008,36053,36066)
>> testDATES.chron <- chron("12/30/1899") + testDATES
> > as.POSIXct(testDATES.chron)
>[1] "1998-05-31 20:00:00 Eastern Daylight Time"
>[2] "1998-06-24 20:00:00 Eastern Daylight Time"
>[3] "1998-07-27 20:00:00 Eastern Daylight Time"
>[4] "1998-07-31 20:00:00 Eastern Daylight Time"
>[5] "1998-09-14 20:00:00 Eastern Daylight Time"
>[6] "1998-09-27 20:00:00 Eastern Daylight Time"
>Does that make any difference on your system?
This worked on my machine as well. I'm not sure why these solutions
avoided the previous NA's, but I guess it had to do with my use of
the 'origin' argument within chron on my particular os...
Thanks again,
Brian Beckage
Department of Botany
University of Vermont
Marsh Life Science Building
Burlington, VT 05405
Phone: 802 656-0197
Fax : 802 656-0440
email: Brian.Beckage at
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