There seems to be something different about pdf files generated under RAqua (1.8.1). I am losing text. I am not sure when things changed but, on Carbon 1.7, when files were 'drag and dropped' onto another application they worked fine. Now the text is lost but the graphics are intact. However the text is there when viewed with Acrobat. On the other hand, if I output to an eps file and then use the Perl/ghostscript function eps2pdf, the pdf file generated works as I would expect. **************** platform powerpc-apple-darwin6.8 arch powerpc os darwin6.8 system powerpc, darwin6.8 status major 1 minor 8.1 year 2003 month 11 day 21 language R Mac OS 10.2.8 ***************** The programme I have used as a test is: oldpar <- par(no.readonly=TRUE) postscript("test.eps", onefile=TRUE, bg = "white", family= "Times", paper = "A4", horizontal = TRUE) par(omi=c(0.5,0.5,0.5,0.5)) plot(1:10,type = "p") text (5, 5, labels = "Hello world", cex = 1.5) par(oldpar) # oldpar <- par(no.readonly=TRUE) par(omi=c(0.5,0.5,0.5,0.5) pdf("test.pdf",width = 27/2.54, height = 18.4/2.54, bg = "white", onefile = TRUE,family = "Times") plot(1:10,type = "p") text (5, 5, labels = "Hello world", cex = 1.5) par(oldpar) I should be most grateful for any suggestions for a remedy. Paul