> library(tree)
> ?tree
should work. If you don't have the "tree" library,
you can download it off of CRAN at
if you're using Windows, or go to
for the source code directly as gzipped .tar files.
I'm not all that familiar with Linux or the RPM files
that are used to install R on the various Linux flavors...
having said that, my understanding is that you would
compile the packages from their source code directly
if you are using R on a Linux operating system.
Best wishes,
david paul
-----Original Message-----
From: Ron Thornton [mailto:thorntonr at maf.govt.nz]
Sent: Wednesday, September 17, 2003 3:51 PM
To: r-help at stat.math.ethz.ch
Subject: [R] CART analysis
Does anyone know of an R code for classification and regression tree
analysis (CART)?
Thank you
Ron Thornton BVSc, PhD, MACVSc (pathology, epidemiology) Programme
Co-ordinator, Active Surveillance Animal Biosecurity MAF Biosecurity
Authority P O Box 2526 Wellington, New Zealand
phone: 64-4-4744156
027 223 7582
fax: 64-4-474-4133
e-mail: ron.thornton at maf.govt.nz
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