Dear R Users, I suppose this is a school boy question, but here it is anyway. I'm trying to re-create the residuals for a poisson GLM with simulated data; x<-rpois(1000,5) model<-glm(x~1,poisson) my.resids<-(log(x)- summary(model)$coefficients[1]) plot(my.resids,residuals(model)) This shows that my calculated residuals (my.resids) are not the same as residuals(model). p 65 of Annette Dobson's book says that GLM (unstandardised) residuals are calculated by analogy with the Normal case. So where am I going wrong? Thanks for your attention. Martin. Martin Hoyle, School of Life and Environmental Sciences, University of Nottingham, University Park, Nottingham, NG7 2RD, UK Webpage:
As ?residuals.glm reveals, it's got an argument type: type: the type of residuals which should be returned. The alternatives are: `"deviance"' (default), `"pearson"', `"working"', `"response"', and `"partial"'. You calculated "response" residuals, R gives "deviance" residuals by default. The different types are covered by most books on general linear models. HTH Thomas> -----Original Message----- > From: Martin Hoyle [mailto:plxmh at] > Sent: 27 August 2003 17:01 > To: r-help at > Subject: [R] Basic GLM: residuals definition > > > Dear R Users, > > I suppose this is a school boy question, but here it is > anyway. I'm trying to re-create the residuals for a poisson > GLM with simulated data; > > x<-rpois(1000,5) > model<-glm(x~1,poisson) > my.resids<-(log(x)- summary(model)$coefficients[1]) > plot(my.resids,residuals(model)) > > This shows that my calculated residuals (my.resids) are not > the same as residuals(model). > p 65 of Annette Dobson's book says that GLM (unstandardised) > residuals are calculated by analogy with the Normal case. > So where am I going wrong? > > Thanks for your attention. > > Martin. > > > Martin Hoyle, > School of Life and Environmental Sciences, > University of Nottingham, > University Park, > Nottingham, > NG7 2RD, > UK > Webpage: > > ______________________________________________ > R-help at mailing list > >--- Thomas Hotz Research Associate in Medical Statistics University of Leicester United Kingdom Department of Epidemiology and Public Health 22-28 Princess Road West Leicester LE1 6TP Tel +44 116 252-5410 Fax +44 116 252-5423 Division of Medicine for the Elderly Department of Medicine The Glenfield Hospital Leicester LE3 9QP Tel +44 116 256-3643 Fax +44 116 232-2976
On Wed, 27 Aug 2003, Martin Hoyle wrote:> Dear R Users, > > I suppose this is a school boy question, but here it is anyway. I'm trying to re-create the residuals for a poisson GLM with simulated data; > > x<-rpois(1000,5) > model<-glm(x~1,poisson) > my.resids<-(log(x)- summary(model)$coefficients[1]) > plot(my.resids,residuals(model)) > > This shows that my calculated residuals (my.resids) are not the same as residuals(model). > p 65 of Annette Dobson's book says that GLM (unstandardised) residuals are calculated by analogy with the Normal case. > So where am I going wrong?Not reading the help page. Hint: what is the default for the type argument for the glm method for residual? A much better reference for this is Davison, A.~C. and Snell, E.~J. (1991) Residuals and diagnostics. \newblock Chapter~4 of \cite{Hinkley.ZZ.91}. Hinkley, D.~V., Reid, N. and Snell, E.~J. eds (1991) \emph{Statistical Theory and Modelling. In Honour of Sir David Cox, {FRS}}. \newblock London: Chapman \& Hall. -- Brian D. Ripley, ripley at Professor of Applied Statistics, University of Oxford, Tel: +44 1865 272861 (self) 1 South Parks Road, +44 1865 272866 (PA) Oxford OX1 3TG, UK Fax: +44 1865 272595