Duncan Temple Lang wrote:> Hi there.
> What commands did you use to get this effect? I can't seem
> to reproduce it on my machine with some simple commands to get
> the same display.
> Thanks,
> D
> M.Kondrin wrote:
>>When I draw points on grid's viewport with clip set to TRUE clipping
>>does not have effect on some symbols. It happens only when drawing over
>>gtkDevice (GTK ver. 1.2) (with postscript device clipping works OK -
>>take a look at this screenshot
>>http://www.hppi.troitsk.ru/Kondrin/clipbug.png) and only with symbols
>>that are drawn with commands other than gdk_draw_polygon() (i.e. circles
>>- gdk_draw_arc() - and squares - gdk_draw_rect()).
>>R-help at stat.math.ethz.ch mailing list
I test this only with symbols with pch>20.
Here is an example> gtk()
> viewport(h=0.8,w=0.8,clip=F)->v2
> grid.rect(vp=v2)->r
> v2$clip
[1] FALSE> v2$clip<-T
> v2$clip
[1] TRUE> grid.points(c(-0.1,0.5,1.1),c(-0.1,0.5,1.1),pch=21,vp=v2)
#clipping does not work - there are circles outside
rectangle> grid.points(c(-0.1,0.5,1.1),c(0,0.5,1),pch=24,vp=v2)
#now OK - have only one triangle in the center of rectangle