On Fri, 23 May 2003, Dirk Eddelbuettel wrote:
> A GUI-heavy R project of mine has mushroomed into well over 1000 lines of
> code. It is getting to a point where I am wondering if someone had
> like a script to summarize which functions call which other etc.
> Note that I am not looking at profiling but rather a (static) analysis of
> code interdepence. Does anybody here have anything for this task?
This seems to work as a starting point:
c(as.character(fn[[1]]),sapply(fn, calls),recursive=TRUE)
You use it like
"{" "<-"
"environment" "as.formula"
"<-" ".Internal"
"update.formula" "as.formula"
"as.formula" "<-"
"formula" "terms.formula"
"<-" "environment"
Unfortunately most of the calls are to <- in any given piece of code, but
it would be easy to trim these out.
Given the links you could then use GraphViz to draw the call graph.