Dear All, I am using the function gls (in the nlme package) and I would like to fit a heteroscedastic model, with different variances for each of the levels of two stratification variables. In p. 210 of Pinheiro & Bates ("Mixed effects models in S and S-Plus", 2000, Springer), the authors show the use of the "*" operator. However, that is not what I want, because it fits a different variance parameter to each combination of the two levels. What I would like is more along the ways of p. 163 and ff., where they fit models with crossed random effects. I think this can be achieved using varComb. If we have two strata, say ID1 and ID2, we can do: gls(my.formula, weights = varComb( varIdent(form = ~ 1 | ID), varIdent(form = ~ 1 | ID2))) This seems to work (and to produce reasonable results) but I am not sure if it is right, or I am doing something dumb. Best, -- Ram?n D?az-Uriarte Bioinformatics Unit Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Oncol?gicas (CNIO) (Spanish National Cancer Center) Melchor Fern?ndez Almagro, 3 28029 Madrid (Spain)