I am using R quite a lot for reading data from a db and plotting them. I often have to make different language versions of my plots, i.e. in Norwegian and English. In stead of making and maintaining two different versions of the script files, I am looking for a variable within the script, e.g.: if (lang=='N') { "Utslipp (TBq/?r)"->yrtext } else { "Releases (TBq/year)"->yrtext } Then I can set lang to N to get the Norwegian version or to something else to get the english labels. To avoid a crash when I have not set lang, I also need if (length(objects(pattern='lang'))==0) 'E'-> lang early in the script. I would like to know if there are any other possibilities for sending 'command line parameters' to a script? Although the present way of doing it works, it feels like a kludge. If not, are there any other way to check for the existence of an object with a give name? Morten -- Morten Sickel Norwegian Radiation Protection Authority nrpa.no