search for: winedt

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 152 matches for "winedt".

2003 Mar 24
Winedt and R on Windows XP
Dear All; I have used Winedt editor in conjunction with R on the Win2K platform for more than a year without any problem. Recently I purchased a P4 machine with Windows XP. Following the installation of R1.62 and WinEdt 5.3 to separate directories, I copied R-WinEdt to the Plugins subdirectory under the Winedt directory, clic...
2002 Jan 05
R-WinEdt question - answer
The answer to my question was contained in , although it helped to receive the restatements that were emailed to me. As mentioned by Uwe Ligges, Renuad Lancelot, Niels Waller, my mistake was not starting R before using R-WindEdt. Below I will copy the instructions on using R-WinEdt by Renaud Lancelot (except for the last paragraph...
2002 Dec 04
Hello: I installed R-WinEdit according to the instructions, including those for setting the editor and pager options. Doesn''t seem to work--when I try to edit a file, I get the following: > > options(editor="\"c:/program files/winedt/winedt\" -c=\"R-WinEdt-edit\" > -e=r.ini -V") > > getOption("editor") >[1] "\"c:/program files/winedt/winedt\" -c=\"R-WinEdt-edit\" -e=r.ini -V" > > edit ("Multi1.R") >Error in edit(name, file, editor) : una...
2004 Jul 12
text editor for R - summary on R-WinEdt
I implemented Uwe's R-WinEdt package as a closer to true WinEdt mode so that WinEdt could be used with other modes as well. I sent Uwe the implementation and we talked a little about cleaning it up, but I haven't gotten around to it and I don't think he has either. It is still a little messy as Uwe noted below but it...
2010 May 11
RWinEdt in WinEdt 6
I'm having difficulty installing RWinEdt in WinEdt6. I receive the following message: Error : .onAttach failed in attachNamespace() for 'RWinEdt', details: call: getWinEdt() error: WinEdt is not installed properly. I have tried following the manual instructions in the readme.txt without success. I receive the following mess...
2011 Mar 01
RWinEdt difficulties
Hello Everyone I have just upgraded my PC to Windows 7 (64 bit) and I have installed R 2.12.2. R seems to be working fine. I am having problems getting RWinEdt working with it though. I have tried installing WinEdt 6.0 and WinEdt 5.5. But both fail with the same error using R as 64 bit or 32 bit. I install the package using Administrator rights. > library(RWinEdt) Warning message: In shell(paste("\"\"", .gW$InstallRoot, "\\W...
2011 Jun 29
I have a problem using RWinEdt 1.8.2 in Windows 7 Professional (64 bit). System/software info: R version 2.13.0 (2011-04-13) Copyright (C) 2011 The R Foundation for Statistical Computing ISBN 3-900051-07-0 Platform: x86_64-pc-mingw32/x64 (64-bit) WinEdt Build: 20071003 (v. 5.5) After installing the R package and attempting t...
2003 Jul 24
R-WinEdt problems
Hello, I've done most all the various steps outlined in a recent posting to the mailing list archives (and in the help files) to load and run R-WinEdt. I can get it to run fine but I am not successful in getting it to interface with RGui (1.6.2, not minimized). I try to use the R-line, R-source, R-paste buttons with no success. [All the necessary *.edt files appear to be in the proper directories.] I've done everything except modify the r...
2007 Oct 06
R-2.6.0 and RWinEdt
Dear Listers, I have just installed R-2.6.0 and the RWinEdt package 1.7-6 under Windows XP. The R-WinEdt menu well appears at launching (the command library(RWinEdt) is in .Rprofile), but WinEdt is NOT started automatically (this was not the case in the earlier versions of R). When WinEdt is started by hand (eg double-click on a RWinEdt alias after R laun...
2006 Sep 04
RGui problem in Windows XP with demo() and help()
I just installed R-2.3.1pat under Windows XP as well as the associated RWinEdt. If I start RGui from its shortcut (but do _not_ also start RWinEdt) and then try to execute demo() or help(), I get a RWinEdt pop-up error window with message: File "D:\WP\WinEdtData\WinEdt\D:/WP/WinEdtData/WinEdt/R.ini" does not exist! Qualifier -e/-E does not specify an existin...
2005 Jan 16
RWinEdt install problem
I cannot get the "R" button to appear in RWinEdt. I'm running R 2.0.1 under Windows XP. I did a clean install of the latest WinEdt. Previously (for an earlier installation of WinEdt) I had RWinEdt running OK. Now, even though I have the distributed extracted to the right place in the R directory, and when I execute...
2007 Dec 10
Question re: RWinEdt conflicting with my WinEdt
Hi, This is a question regarding the RWinEdt package for R. I have WinEdt 5.5, RWinEdt 1.7-9, and R 2.6.0 on WindowsXP. Somehow my configuration or start up files between RWinEdt and WinEdt are getting confused. Usually when I open either one, the last files I was working on *with that program* are opened automatically. So if I last used...
2003 Oct 28
New version of R-WinEdt (for Windows)
There was a user request to announce this new version (1.6-0) of R-WinEdt (actually, the request was to announce version 1.5-1). It is propagating through CRAN these days and (is|will be) available at yourCRANmirror/contrib/extra/winedt/ For those who have not already noticed the changes since R-WinEdt 1.4-x, I'd like to summarize the changes below. The most exci...
2008 Oct 31
R-WinEdt unexcpected Asian characters
Dear list! I have encountered an odd problem with R-WinEdt. The program is mostly running fine and I had no problems with the installation. But several times a day I'm typing in R-WinEdt there appears a menu with Chinese characters where the curser is and I'm not able to type normally. I don?t know any other way to stop it except restarting R-Win...
2007 Oct 31
R WinEdt on Windows vista
Hi! I was trying to install the RWinEdt library on a Windows Vista machine which had R 2.6.0, WinEdt 5.4 and the file in the library folder under the ...\R\2.6.0 directory. I am able to install fine form the local zip but I can't launch winedt from within R for some reason. > utils:::menuInstallLocal() package &...
2005 Sep 21
error when loading rwinedt
the error msg is: > local({pkg <- select.list(sort(.packages(all.available = TRUE))) + if(nchar(pkg)) library(pkg, character.only=TRUE)}) Error in if (RWinEdtVersion) RWinEdtVersion <- scan(file.path(InstallRoot, : argument is of length zero Error: .onAttach failed in 'attachNamespace' Error: package/namespace load failed for 'RWinEdt' > version _ platform i386-pc-mingw32 arch i386 o...
2001 Jul 26
winedt (PR#1033)
i don't know, whether this is a bug or it is intended: when using winedt and R together it works perfectly, as long as R is run in mdi (multiple window mode). When you switch to sdi (single window mode) winedt, sends no command at all: no history, paste, source or script. Thomas Pesl > version _ platform i386-pc-mingw32 arch x86...
2011 Jul 04
RWinEdt problem
Hi R Helpers, I am a long time RWinEdt user and have just acquired a new laptop. I have installed RWinEdt and things are going smoothly except for one small glitch - file names are not appearing on the document tabs. When I use WinEdt (as opposed to RWinEdt), they are appearing. Can anyone offer any advice on this? Thanks in advance, S...
2006 Nov 23
integrate R code to WinEdt file
I want to integrate R code to my WinEdt file. Can someone tell me how to do this? I copy R code to my WinEdt file, but it does't work. Aimin Yan
2006 Mar 10
Linux editor like WinEdt?
Hi to all, I initiate in R - Linux and I've some problems to find an editor with R interface as like RWinEdt for WinEdt. Anyone know one? Thanks in advance for your kind cooperation. Best regards Atenciosamente Ana Patricia Martins ------------------------------------------- Serviço Métodos Estatísticos Departamento de Metodologia Estatística Telef: 218 426 100 - Ext: 3210 E-mail: <mailt...