From: Prof Brian Ripley [mailto:ripley at]
> On Wed, 28 Nov 2001, Janusz Kawczak wrote:
> > R-users and R-developers:
> >
> > do you know of any package in R (or for R) that can perform
optimizations> > for a linear and non-linear systems? I am aware of the NUOPT module in
> > S-Plus that provides an optimizer engine to do just that and more.
> That's not really NUOPT's description as I recognize it (and I do
> S+NUOPT on this machine).
> R has optim, package quadprog, and function simplex in package boot
> related to various types of constrained optimizations. Don't expect
> something of quality of NUOPT for free, at least not with a user
> interface.
Yes. The last time I checked (~2 years ago), NUOPT costed about 8-9 times
that of Splus 2000 itself. Not the kind of $$ I would want to spend unless
for a darn good reason.
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