OK, figured this one out. But would a be a good modification I feel.
Thanks and Regards,
Mohit Dayal
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Mohit Dayal <ken.sensei@gmail.com>
Date: 31 May 2011 17:05
Subject: Projection Pursuit Index
To: R-devel@r-project.org
Dear R-developers,
I am trying to experiment with projection pursuit (PP), and different
indexes for the same, especially using the tourr package. However, I've
noticed that a PP index in the said package is only a function of the
projected data. Could I modify the function so that the index sees the
projection bases instead (or in addition to the data) ?
Alternatively, if some other package can be used this way, I would be
greatly obliged if you'd let me know.
Thanks and Regards,
Mohit Dayal
Applied Statistics and Computing Lab
Indian School of Business
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