Frank Technow
2011-May-04 08:49 UTC
[Rd] proposal for package that creates the isomarginal family of two-way contingency tables
Hello, I developed R code to create the isomarginal family of two-way contingency tables. The isomarginal family are all possible tables given fixed margins. It is needed for computing exact test statistics for two-way contingency tables in frequentist statistics. I need it for computing a normalization constant in a Bayesian model. I think my code can be useful for others as well so I would like to publish it as a package, but only if it is not implemented yet. I know that there is the function "r2dtable" in "base", but it creates the tables randomly, so that some members of the family appear many times, some others not at all (exept n is extremely large). Then there is the function "permatfull" in package "vegan", but it apparently just uses "r2dtable" (from the documentation). Currently my code covers only the case where the number of rows is fixed to two (with arbitrary number of columns). This makes the implementation allot easier, but is of course a limitation. However, most two-way table problems have a structure with multiple categories in one margin but a binary variable in the other. For example survival yes or no, sex female or male, or in my field, plant genomics, where most of the data is from homozygous lines, genotype AA or BB. To state my question: Is the code worth publishing? My code is based on the algorithm in: Greslin (2003) Counting and enumerating frequency tables with given margins Statistica & Applicazioni I would also be interested in suggestions on how to test it. For now I used: unique(r2dtable(n,r,c)) as a reference, but to create the whole family in this way requires a huge "n", even for tables of modest dimensions and counts. For example: the family of a table with dimensions 2x5, "r = c(8,100)" and "c = c(1,2,2,98,5)", "r" and "c" being the row and column margins, has 103 members (from my code). Trying to find it with: unique(r2dtable(n,r,c)) eats up more than 16Gb of memory! Thanks in advance, Frank -- Frank Technow University of Hohenheim 350 Institute of Plant Breeding, Seed Sciences, and Population Genetics 70593 Stuttgart/Germany Phone: 0049 711 459 23544 e-mail: Frank.Technow at or Frank.Technow at