This is basically a case of a user error that is not being caught:
On 5/14/11 3:47 PM, Herv? Pag?s wrote:> Hi,
> I was stumped by this. The two S4 objects below looked exactly the same:
> > a1
> An object of class "A"
> Slot "aa":
> integer(0)
> > a2
> An object of class "A"
> Slot "aa":
> integer(0)
> > str(a1)
> Formal class 'A' [package ".GlobalEnv"] with 1 slots
> ..@ aa: int(0)
> > str(a2)
> Formal class 'A' [package ".GlobalEnv"] with 1 slots
> ..@ aa: int(0)
> But they were not identical:
> > identical(a1,a2)
> [1] FALSE
> Then I found that one had a "names" attribute but not the other:
> > names(attributes(a1))
> [1] "aa" "class" "names"
> > names(attributes(a2))
> [1] "aa" "class"
> > names(a1)
> > names(a2)
> Which explained why they were not reported as identical.
> After tracking the history of 'a1', I found that it was created
> something like:
> > setClass("A", representation(aa="integer"))
> [1] "A"
> > a1 <- new("A")
> > names(a1) <- "K"
> > names(a1)
> So it seems that, by default (i.e. in the absence of a specialized
> method), the `names<-` primitive is adding a "names" attribute
to the
> object. Could this behaviour be modified so it doesn't alter the
Eh? But you did alter the object. Not only that, you altered it in
what is technically an invalid way: Adding a names attribute to a class
that has no names slot.
The modification that would make sense would be to give you an error in
the above code. Not a bad idea, but it's likely to generate more
complaints in other contexts, particularly where people don't
distinguish the "list" class from lists with names (the
"namedList" class).
A plausible strategy:
1. If the class has a vector data slot and no names slot, assign the
names but with a warning.
2. Otherwise, throw an error.
(I.e., I would prefer an error throughout, but discretion ....)
> Thanks,
> H.