I didn't see any response to this and I am a bit curious about the
answer. If I understand correctly, you are suggesting you would like
some directory, say Rman/, that gets pre-processed to produce the R/ and
man/ directories. Are you thinking that it should be part of the
package tree? When you have Rman/, would you also include the R/ and
man/ directories or expect those to get generated by build or install?
I'm doing something simplistic but superficially similar by having all
my Rd files for a package in one file and pre-processing that to
generate man/, but I do this prior to rolling up the package, and then
do not include the original.
Terry Therneau wrote:> I'm working on the next release of coxme (ready to start some
testing), and
> have written major chunks of it using noweb -- very similar to Sweave
except I'm
> generating code and documentation for the code rather than vingetes.
> The question: I have directory with .Rnw objects and a Makefile therein
> generates most of the .R files. I don't see any guidance in the
> on where this should preferably be placed in the package tree.
> Thanks for any pointers (or opinions)
> Terry T
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