spencerg wrote:>
> What do I need to do to get "install.packages" to work
properly for
> me in R 2.9.1 under Vista?
> Currently, install.packages in Rgui 2.9.1 by default goes to
> "C:\\Users\\sgraves\\Documents/R/win-library/2.9". This is a
> for me, because R running under Emacs does not currently look there.
> I made the mistake last night of first installing R 2.9.1 in the
> default "C:\Program Files". When I found that packages I
> using Rgui could not be found from within Emacs, I uninstalled R from
> "C:\Program Files" and reinstalled it under
> alongside R 2.9.0, which has allowed "install.packages" from Rgui
to be
> accessed from R under Emacs.
> I've traced the problem to the different behavior of
> *** Rgui: .libPaths()
> [1] "C:\\Users\\sgraves\\Documents/R/win-library/2.9"
> [2] "C:/Users/sgraves/R/R-2.9.1/library"
> *** R under Emacs: > .libPaths()
> [1] "c:/Users/sgraves/R/R-2.9.1/library"
> What do you suggest? Thanks,
Either set for the second setup
"C:\\Users\\sgraves\\Documents/R/win-library/2.9" as a default library
path (e.g. via env var R_LIBS) or remove it from the first setup (in a
personal startup file).
Best wishes,
> Spencer
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