On 2/28/2006 6:02 PM, jcredberry at gmail.com wrote:> Full_Name: Julio Rojas
> Version: 2.2.1
> OS: XP Pro
> Submission from: (NULL) (
> I was debugging a program with browser "()", made a couple of
"plot"'s within
> the debugging console. Switched back from the plot window to the console
> using the mouse, without closing the plot window, and the GUI crashed and
> disapeared. The program is still runing in memory, but with no way to reach
> or get it back alive. I'm running a fairly big dataset and the Task
> shows "Rgui.exe" is using 120 Megs of RAM and 99% of the
> It has happened twice tonight.
Please give us a description of a procedure that we can use to reliably
reproduce the crash. Otherwise we have no place to start.
Duncan Murdoch