R devel - Feb 2006

Tuesday February 28 2006
11:02PM 1 GUI Crashes (PR#8649)
7:57PM 0 Rcpp -> RcppTemplate package with L-GPL
9:19AM 0 Workspace Browser - No Refresh of Deleted Objects (PR#8647)
4:25AM 1 Typos in writeLines.Rd, readLines.Rd, and data.matrix.Rd
12:27AM 1 trouble with R CMD SHLIB on winXP
Monday February 27 2006
9:41PM 1 Request for showWarnings parameter for write.table
8:15PM 0 readline and/or lme crashes R (PR#8646)
4:30PM 0 Egold earn $ while surfing
12:28PM 0 method dispatch and in-place modification? - unclass, RemoveClass, getDataPart, method dispatch
Saturday February 25 2006
8:11AM 2 R-Project build system: DESTDIR support
Friday February 24 2006
9:11PM 2 Rcpp, best method for linking to
9:12AM 1 Minor Typo in image.Rd
Thursday February 23 2006
9:10PM 0 Wishlist: browser and traceback should trim callstack when printing (PR#8638)
6:04PM 2 rnorm returning NA's (PR#8635)
5:07PM 1 Utilizing the internet module
4:53PM 2 Links to non-vignette documentation
2:03PM 1 Problem during "make" with the devel version R-2.3.0 under Sun OS
9:01AM 1 Minor typo in optim.Rd (in details section)
3:26AM 1 Tiny documentation error for ?options (PR#8633)
Wednesday February 22 2006
6:47PM 1 PR#6614
6:41PM 1 Spurious output white line in R script (PR#8631)
1:06PM 0 translating eventloop.h
Tuesday February 21 2006
4:42AM 4 simple C function segfaults
12:18AM 3 profiling C code
Monday February 20 2006
11:13PM 0 [REQ] Add Title Argument for Interactive Devices
10:03PM 0 changes in r-devel for S3/S4 objects
2:23PM 2 R CMD config --cppflags buglet
1:54PM 2 Matrix / SparseM conflict (PR#8618)
Sunday February 19 2006
10:58AM 2 Computing means, variances and sums
Saturday February 18 2006
8:07PM 1 Error message while installing quatreg in ox s (PR#8616)
7:41PM 3 Bug in Sweave? -- scoping problem? (PR#8615)
7:33PM 1 file.info() on WinXP/NTFS > 2Gb
Friday February 17 2006
12:41AM 0 Unable to configure R 2.2.1 on Solaris 5.10 x86_64
Thursday February 16 2006
11:04PM 0 Heatmap documentation (scale argument) (PR#8614)
9:25PM 1 Could heatmap default to scale="none" ?
4:56PM 8 Ubuntu and R
1:59PM 0 Calling R functions from C and setting function's formal list values
8:55AM 3 Rf_errorcall - translate to Pascal
1:46AM 2 Not working with intel macs (PR#8608)
Wednesday February 15 2006
11:04AM 1 [R] repeated measurements and lme
9:26AM 0 conflicting S4 generics
9:16AM 1 S3 generics without NS and cleanEx()
Tuesday February 14 2006
8:10PM 0 Legend to a heatmap
3:44PM 3 S4 classes and methods with optional arguments
2:39AM 1 addmargins
Monday February 13 2006
8:57PM 1 Typo in polygon.Rd (PR#8605)
2:48PM 1 MinGW and the ld bug
Sunday February 12 2006
3:38PM 0 floor and ceiling can't handle more than 15 decimal pla (PR#8591)
3:05PM 1 floor and ceiling can't handle more than 15 decimal places (PR#8590)
Saturday February 11 2006
2:51PM 2 heatmap.2 in gplots (PR#8587)
1:46AM 2 Arguments of 'transform'
Friday February 10 2006
1:01PM 3 Accuracy of dnorm (PR#8586)
10:27AM 1 R CMD build: "Subdirectory 'R' contains invalid file names"
1:57AM 1 ?bquote
Thursday February 9 2006
5:39PM 1 make: Target `all' not remade because of errors. (PR#8585)
2:02PM 1 R, Rcmdr crash on WinXP PRO laptop (PR#8583)
9:33AM 1 Question on help system under windows
Wednesday February 8 2006
10:45PM 1 corruption of data with serialize(ascii=TRUE)
9:33PM 1 invalid graphics state using dev.print (fwd)
8:05PM 0 Another NAMESPACE question, imports and S4
5:07PM 1 Rf_protect in Rinternals.h
4:37PM 2 Using .onUnload() to unload compiled code
11:06AM 1 identify() bug (PR#8576)
8:37AM 2 R 2.2.1 installation trouble on SGI/Sun (PR#8575)
6:24AM 1 Improve error message for bad NAMESPACE file?
1:48AM 2 NAMESPACE Q: does import as exist?
Tuesday February 7 2006
9:30PM 0 S4 documentation
10:04AM 0 Problems in d-p-q-r functions (was PR#8528, but unrelated)
12:41AM 0 [R] R compile on AIX 5.2
Monday February 6 2006
11:12PM 0 invalid graphics state using dev.print
7:21PM 1 match gets confused by S4 objects
6:11PM 1 saving PDF with multiple diagrams results in crash (PR#8569)
5:04PM 0 extending "list" in S4: loss of element names
Sunday February 5 2006
6:41AM 2 a generic 'attach'?
Saturday February 4 2006
11:28PM 1 Using the lazy data mechanism
6:14PM 2 Rprintf loop status does not print under windows
2:30PM 1 javascript device for R
1:03PM 0 script window fails to load script (PR#8564)
Friday February 3 2006
11:55AM 5 pbinom with size argument 0 (PR#8560)
7:25AM 1 Interfacing C-code (gets and printf) under WINDOWS (Visual C++)
12:43AM 0 IAWK iAsiaWorks
Thursday February 2 2006
10:26PM 0 achieved.alpha calculated wrong in wilcox.test (PR#8557)
4:28PM 0 crossvalidation in svm regression in e1071 gives incorre ct results (PR#8554)
3:28PM 0 crossvalidation in svm regression in e1071 gives incorrect results (PR#8554)
1:09PM 3 readline detection problems
12:16AM 0 Converting an unevaluted list to list of unevaluted elements
Wednesday February 1 2006
10:01PM 1 Retrieving an unevaluated argument
7:30PM 1 Rd files with unknown sections
5:25PM 3 (no subject)
4:54PM 0 package introductions
10:31AM 1 akima 0.4-5, interpp() bug = COMMON block problem
8:35AM 1 The install.R and R_PROFILE.R files
1:37AM 1 Word boundaries and gregexpr in R 2.2.1 (PR#8547)
1:14AM 1 recover() (PR#8546)
1:07AM 1 window() problem (PR#8545)