Den Tuesday 09 December 2008 18.39.58 skrev Aldo Caruso:> Hi,
Hi Aldo,> I have an UPS Powerware 5110 ( usb connection ), on Linux OS is
> Debian 4.0
Good info, but it would be better to know the nut version. And the driver
version number also.
> The /etc/ups.conf file setting is:
> [myups]
> driver = bcmxcp_usb
> port = auto
> desc = "UPS Powerware 5110 1500 VA"
That is OK.
> When the daemon starts it displays the following message:
> "Starting Network UPS Tools: (upsdrvctl failed)."
> Looking at /var/log/syslog I found the following line
> "Can't connect to UPS [myups] (bcmxcp_usb-auto): No such file or
This should be located in /var/lib/nut and that directory should belong to the
user nut is running as. Normaly nut. But it depends on the packages.
Think we have some debian users that could help you with this.
> Does any body know why it appends "-auto" to the driver name ?
This indicate an older verion of the nut. Now it appands the tag name ( for
you 'myups') to the socket, like bcmxcp_usb-myups.
This is my /var/lib/nut
ls -l /var/lib/nut/
totalt 8
srw-rw---- 1 nut nut 0 9 dec 21.51 bcmxcp_usb-pw3105
-rw-r--r-- 1 nut nut 5 9 dec 21.51
-rw-r--r-- 1 nut nut 5 9 dec 21.51