I'm trying (and failing) to install Icecast on a fresh-off-the-line Redhat 9.0 box. When I attempt to install the RPM with the command: # rpm -i icecast-2.0.1-1.i386.rpm ..the result is: error: Failed dependencies: curl >= 7.10.0 is needed by icecast-2.0.1-1 ...so okay, I wonder to myself, which verion of curl do I have running? # yum info curl ...and I learn that I am running a very slightly older version of curl: Looking in Installed Packages: Name : curl Arch : i386 Version: 7.9.8 Release: 5 Size : 499.90 kB Group : Applications/Internet Repo : Locally Installed ...so fair enough, off I go (grumble, grumble) to find curl. But my version is the newest registered with any of the 6 or so sites I have in my yum.conf file. I download it manually and once I decompress it, I need to install curl: # rpm -i TWWcurl711-7.11.1-1.i386.rpm error: Failed dependencies: TWWopenssl097 >= 0.9.7b is needed by TWWcurl711-7.11.1-1 TWWzlib11 >= 1.1.4 is needed by TWWcurl711-7.11.1-1 ..oops. Wow. Yet more dependencies. But... once again, the most modern version of openssl registered with yum (again, across 6 major linux package repositories) is 0.9.7a and NOT 0.9.7b . And zlib11 seems to be nonexistent except in the TWW version. Then I realize that these all come from some web site called "thewrittenword.com", I surf to their site, and I realize they have their own custom package manager, pkgutils. I download it and I end up with a file: pkgutils-1.5.14.tar.bz2 ... what the hell is a BZ2 file? Oh, it's some obscure form of compression (is this really so big of a deal we can't use gzip on a 500k file?). So now I go off to try and find an RPM for some sort of bzip compression tool. Guess what... nada. And no good instructions for how to deal with the binaries. So my question is this: Just how many rabbit holes do I have to crawl into to install icecast? There has GOT to be an easier way to install this.. what am I missing? -Ian.
Hi: I think where you're hitting a problem is that the version of CURL that you downloaded is considerably newer than both what you have and what you need. If you can get an RPM of CURL 7.10.x, you may well do a lot better. If it helps, I have source tarballs of 7.10.3 and 7.10.4. Not sure if its build system has an RPM target, but if not, all you'd need is the requisite devel packages and you could just compile it from scratch. Disclaimer: I do not run an RPM-based system. Geoff.
Ian Andrew Bell wrote: [lots]> with a file: pkgutils-1.5.14.tar.bz2 ... what the hell is a BZ2 file? > Oh, it's some obscure form of compression (is this really so big of a > deal we can't use gzip on a 500k file?). So now I go off to try and > find an RPM for some sort of bzip compression tool. Guess what... > nada. And no good instructions for how to deal with the binaries.bzip2 is far from "obscure" and bunzip2 should be installed with most distros by default. tar will automatically pass an archive through bunzip2 for you (if installed) with the "j" flag (just like the "z" flag for gzip). As for building icecast, whenever I've done it on SuSE (another RPM based distro) I've always found it easiest to build icecast itself from source, and on the occasion where dependancies are unmet, put them in /usr/local/lib. This will require you to install the -devel versions of some packages. The problem, as you have found, is that RPMs are very distro and version dependant. Stephen Liveice Project Manager
<Pine.LNX.4.60.0407161231020.16854@data.home> Message-ID: <B8ABC68E-D746-11D8-8884-000A95B3B8D6@ianbell.com> Thanks... this worked. I obtained a slightly older version of CURL than is current from here: http://rpm.pbone.net/index.php3/stat/4/idpl/1135110/com/curl-7.10.4 -1.rh9.i386.rpm.html ...and forced it to install with a: # rpm -U --nodeps curl-7.10.4-1.rh9.i386.rpm ...then just dumped in the RPM for icecast with: # rpm -i icecast-2.0.1-1.i386.rpm ...hope this helps soomeone else down the line (hello archives!). Thanks Geoff... -Ian. On 15-Jul-04, at 7:35 PM, Geoff Shang wrote:> Hi: > > I think where you're hitting a problem is that the version of CURL > that you downloaded is considerably newer than both what you have and > what you need. If you can get an RPM of CURL 7.10.x, you may well do a > lot better. > > If it helps, I have source tarballs of 7.10.3 and 7.10.4. Not sure if > its build system has an RPM target, but if not, all you'd need is the > requisite devel packages and you could just compile it from scratch. > > Disclaimer: I do not run an RPM-based system. > > Geoff. > _______________________________________________ > Icecast mailing list > Icecast@xiph.org > http://lists.xiph.org/mailman/listinfo/icecast >
Two solutions: The easy one, use Debian Sid, and problems are gone. The hard one, compile it by yourself in a online box, targzip it and run on the new machine. Btw, RedHat doesn?t have icecast? Regards. El dia Thu, 15 Jul 2004 18:20:38 -0700, Ian Andrew Bell <hello@ianbell.com> me comentaba:> I'm trying (and failing) to install Icecast on a fresh-off-the-line > Redhat 9.0 box. >[here used to be a big tale of the Rpm thing]> > So my question is this: Just how many rabbit holes do I have to crawl > > into to install icecast? > > There has GOT to be an easier way to install this.. what am I missing? > > -Ian. > > > _______________________________________________ > Icecast mailing list > Icecast@xiph.org > http://lists.xiph.org/mailman/listinfo/icecast >-- Sebastian Muniz Ordonez Smart Security Rio de la Plata 202 Ote Colonia del valle - Monterrey Nuevo Leon - Mexico Tel. directo 52 81 1158 5956 Fax: +52 (81) 83-405777 ICQ 72585865 Usuario Linux: 198723