Folks, I've been running an icecast server for about a year, and never really had the chance to test it out on the other side of our Internet link. We've had a lot of people trying us out, but very short connect times in the whole. I finally got a cable modem at home, tried having a listen, and found the stream to be very stuttery. So, first things first, I went and grabbed the latest icecast source, compiled and installed on my linux box. I then set about twiddling the config file, and finally got some sense. However, we've disappeared from as far as I can tell. Looking in the logfile, I see the following:- [03/Apr/2001:15:30:49] [1:Calendar Thread] directory_touch_xa([]) completed...server id = 69 which seems to suggest that all is well. But it ain't, 'cos we're not listed! Anyone had something similar?? I also get a server id of -1 from, which I assume is their polite way of saying 'please take your business elsewhere' :-) Other info: I'm using streamcast (irdp kept on hanging up on me - 96% CPU usage, no stream coming out) and I've turned metadata off 'cos it makes the stream stutter and warble. Oh, and if anyone wants a listen, the stream's at Cheers, Mike. Films at 59 Ltd, 59 Cotham Hill, Bristol. BS6 6JR ENGLAND +44 117 906 4300 --- >8 ---- List archives: icecast project homepage: To unsubscribe from this list, send a message to '' containing only the word 'unsubscribe' in the body. No subject is needed. Unsubscribe messages sent to the list will be ignored/filtered.
>However, we've disappeared from as far as I can tell. > >Looking in the logfile, I see the following:- > >[03/Apr/2001:15:30:49] >[1:Calendar Thread] directory_touch_xa([]) >completed...server id = 69 >Other info: I'm using streamcastI've been meaning to follow up to a similar post I made a few weeks back, so this seems like a good time. I didn't get any definitive answers, but based on some responses, I did some digging. It turns out, from what I can tell, streamcast doesn't send bitrate information. Here's the changes I made in the part of the code so that it does: 182c188,189 < icy_compat => 0, ---> icy_compat => 1, > bitrate => $bitrate,This is for v0.8 as indicated at the top of Once I did this, all was well and icecast really started listing my stream! And it gets even better: I had also inquired about getting listed at With the change above, I went from this: []) failed... directory server error #3... (retry in 1325 seconds) to this (which I expected): ([]) failed... directory server error #404... (retry in -1 seconds) but subsequently, for reasons I can't explain, I then saw this: ([]) completed...server id = 4765964 and now I see regular directory touches completing succesfully. So now I'm listed on as well. The increase in listeners has been dramatic (anything is dramatic from zero :) ). I'm afraid to restart the stream now, lest I lose the listing. Anyway, you might try making the change to mentioned above (I'm not completely sure about that icy_compat bit, but I'm not messin' with it). I'm guessing that'll clear up getting listed on yp.icecast. I'd also like to make a general recommendation for streamcast, which isn't mentioned much on this list. Since moving from liveice to it (I had zero luck with ices), I've had nothing but smoothing sailing- it re-encodes, it stays up, is easy for me to hack (my perl is way better than my C, though that's not saying much), and has a nifty request mechanism that was simple for me to integrate into my website. There's also a version that integrates with a database (MySQL, if memory serves). If you're looking for a new streamer, you might want to check it out: <> -Harry (just a happy user) --- >8 ---- List archives: icecast project homepage: To unsubscribe from this list, send a message to '' containing only the word 'unsubscribe' in the body. No subject is needed. Unsubscribe messages sent to the list will be ignored/filtered.
Has anyone been succesful using live365 as a relay for icecast and getting listed in the various directories? What would be neat is having a listing in the directories that would either send the listeners straight to live365 or to a page on my web server that would redirect them to live365. Being able to support 365 listeners is a lot better than being able to support 3 or 4... I've been relaying through live365 for over a year now and they have really become a real nice, stable service. The only outages have been from my end of the link. Bob --- >8 ---- List archives: icecast project homepage: To unsubscribe from this list, send a message to '' containing only the word 'unsubscribe' in the body. No subject is needed. Unsubscribe messages sent to the list will be ignored/filtered.
At 02:40 06/04/01 -0700, Harry wrote:>It turns out, from what I can tell, streamcast doesn't send bitrate >information. Here's the changes I made in the part of the code so that it does: > >182c188,189 >< icy_compat => 0, >--- > > icy_compat => 1, > > bitrate => $bitrate,Well, how weird is this, eh ? Thanks for the tip, Harry. I made the change, and now my stream is fine (no stuttering, no clicks, pops, bangs or crackles) but it didn't help me get a listing on any of the directory servers I'm trying! So, I've now got a good stream, but I've lost all my listeners. I'll keep prodding. In the meantime, does anyone actually know what this means.... directory_touch_xa([]) completed...server id = 69 Is this success or failure? Is there someone on the list who helps run the iceast directory who can answer this question ??? Cheers, Mike. Films at 59 Ltd, 59 Cotham Hill, Bristol. BS6 6JR ENGLAND +44 117 906 4300 --- >8 ---- List archives: icecast project homepage: To unsubscribe from this list, send a message to '' containing only the word 'unsubscribe' in the body. No subject is needed. Unsubscribe messages sent to the list will be ignored/filtered.