So, I'm migrating from Binc to Dovecot, and one of my users has run
into an odd complaint/issue. I don't know that it's a Dovecot issue
necessarily, but maybe the people here know a fix anyway...
The problem is that pine tab-completion now appends a "." to the end
of folders that have sub-folders. In other words, say the user has
these folders:
When he types in INBOX.f and hits tab, for some reason Pine completes
that to:
Note the "." on the end. This is annoying, because then to get into
foo he has to hit the delete key first. With the Binc server, the
delimiter was /, and INBOX/foo/ was a perfectly legitimate folder name
(so he could just hit return).
Does anyone have any suggestions for how to fix this?
There are four boxes to be used in defense of liberty: soap, ballot,
jury, and ammo. Please use in that order.
-- Ed Howdershelt
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