CentOS - Dec 2016

Saturday December 31 2016
11:09PM 0 Raspberry PI3 - CentOS armv7hl gnome desktop
9:16PM 3 Raspberry PI3 - CentOS armv7hl gnome desktop
3:35PM 2 Adobereader on Centos7 crashes
Friday December 30 2016
10:30PM 3 CentOS 7 samba server + mac client problems
6:08AM 0 Help with httpd userdir recovery
4:22AM 1 chronyd configuration as a local ntp server
Thursday December 29 2016
6:24PM 0 php-fpm user other than webserver user?
9:24AM 2 Strange (?) device.map in CentOS 7 VM installations
Wednesday December 28 2016
11:33PM 1 Help with httpd userdir recovery
11:28PM 0 Help with httpd userdir recovery
11:13PM 2 Help with httpd userdir recovery
11:09PM 0 Help with httpd userdir recovery
11:05PM 2 Help with httpd userdir recovery
9:24PM 0 Help with httpd userdir recovery
8:53PM 4 Help with httpd userdir recovery
8:32PM 0 Help with httpd userdir recovery
8:11PM 3 Help with httpd userdir recovery
6:53PM 0 Help with httpd userdir recovery
5:07PM 4 Help with httpd userdir recovery
2:26PM 1 Help with httpd userdir recovery
1:20PM 0 Help with httpd userdir recovery
1:18PM 0 GRE based attack?
12:35PM 2 Help with httpd userdir recovery
10:11AM 0 Help with httpd userdir recovery
3:18AM 2 Help with httpd userdir recovery
3:16AM 0 Help with httpd userdir recovery
1:20AM 2 Help with httpd userdir recovery
1:07AM 2 nVidia K1200 on Centos
12:43AM 0 Help with httpd userdir recovery
12:12AM 4 Help with httpd userdir recovery
12:06AM 0 Help with httpd userdir recovery
Tuesday December 27 2016
11:34PM 2 Help with httpd userdir recovery
10:44PM 0 Help with httpd userdir recovery
10:02PM 2 Help with httpd userdir recovery
7:58PM 0 Help with httpd userdir recovery
7:19PM 0 Help with httpd userdir recovery
5:43PM 4 Help with httpd userdir recovery
5:41PM 0 GUI black screen on login, startx works???
4:48PM 0 Help with httpd userdir recovery
3:25PM 2 Help with httpd userdir recovery
2:47PM 0 CentOS 7.2.1511 upgrade to 7.3, many failed dependencies
2:07PM 0 chronyd configuration as a local ntp server
1:49PM 2 chronyd configuration as a local ntp server
1:25PM 0 chronyd configuration as a local ntp server
4:04AM 2 chronyd configuration as a local ntp server
Monday December 26 2016
8:57PM 0 Centos7.3-Mate
4:05PM 0 Noise Cancellation of Server Noise
3:48PM 2 Centos7.3-Mate
11:31AM 1 Noise Cancellation of Server Noise
6:31AM 0 Noise Cancellation of Server Noise
6:22AM 5 Noise Cancellation of Server Noise
6:16AM 0 Noise Cancellation of Server Noise
3:45AM 0 Noise Cancellation of Server Noise
3:25AM 2 Noise Cancellation of Server Noise
Sunday December 25 2016
7:38PM 0 Noise Cancellation of Server Noise
6:17PM 1 C7 Mate - files suddenly moved back onto desktop
5:53PM 2 Noise Cancellation of Server Noise
7:49AM 0 Noise Cancellation of Server Noise
4:25AM 3 Noise Cancellation of Server Noise
1:24AM 0 Noise Cancellation of Server Noise
1:12AM 0 apcupsd-3.14.14
1:02AM 2 apcupsd-3.14.14
12:44AM 0 apcupsd-3.14.14
12:33AM 2 apcupsd-3.14.14
12:24AM 0 [OT] tis the season
Saturday December 24 2016
10:35PM 0 how to create a kickstart file from an already installed system
10:18PM 2 Noise Cancellation of Server Noise
9:57PM 0 Noise Cancellation of Server Noise
9:50PM 0 Noise Cancellation of Server Noise
9:43PM 10 Noise Cancellation of Server Noise
3:17PM 2 how to create a kickstart file from an already installed system
9:28AM 0 how to create a kick start file from an already installed system
3:11AM 3 how to create a kick start file from an already installed system
1:15AM 0 how to create a kick start file from an already installed system
12:57AM 1 Alternative to cPanel
12:50AM 2 how to create a kick start file from an already installed system
Friday December 23 2016
10:27PM 0 OT - hardware - firmware update .iso to flash drive?
10:18PM 2 OT - hardware - firmware update .iso to flash drive?
9:37PM 0 OT - hardware - firmware update .iso to flash drive?
9:22PM 2 OT - hardware - firmware update .iso to flash drive?
9:58AM 0 Alternative to cPanel
3:42AM 0 monitor wifi
3:17AM 2 monitor wifi
3:06AM 0 monitor wifi
2:47AM 2 monitor wifi
2:35AM 0 monitor wifi
2:32AM 0 yumex errs out on startup
2:25AM 2 monitor wifi
Thursday December 22 2016
10:23PM 0 monitor wifi
9:16PM 0 Alternative to cPanel
8:57PM 2 monitor wifi
6:44PM 0 monitor wifi
6:38PM 2 monitor wifi
2:04PM 0 monitor wifi
12:00PM 0 CentOS-announce Digest, Vol 142, Issue 9
9:06AM 2 monitor wifi
Wednesday December 21 2016
12:00PM 0 CentOS-announce Digest, Vol 142, Issue 8
9:38AM 2 Centos 5 Log-in Screen
2:41AM 0 networkmanager VS OpenConnect VPN
Tuesday December 20 2016
9:40PM 0 firefox-45.6.0-1.el7.centos.x86_64 crashing... unusable
8:30PM 1 Can't delete or move /home on 7.3 install
8:24PM 0 Can't delete or move /home on 7.3 install
7:20PM 2 Can't delete or move /home on 7.3 install
7:07PM 0 Can't delete or move /home on 7.3 install
5:50PM 0 PulseAudio is streaming with an excessive latency.
5:40PM 2 PulseAudio is streaming with an excessive latency.
1:36PM 2 firefox-45.6.0-1.el7.centos.x86_64 crashing... unusable
12:08PM 0 firefox-45.6.0-1.el7.centos.x86_64 crashing... unusable
8:50AM 1 CentOS 7 and systemd: SysV initscript: how detect boot vs. interactive use?
3:32AM 2 kickstart problems since 7.3
Monday December 19 2016
11:18PM 0 SASL attacks and SPAM
10:49PM 0 Problem with Centos & Alsa on reboot
9:38PM 0 missing rh-git29-git package
9:38PM 0 missing rh-git29-git package
6:03PM 0 firefox-45.6.0-1.el7.centos.x86_64 crashing... unusable
4:38PM 1 devtoolset-4 ageing?
4:28PM 1 OT: Blank mails from this list
4:25PM 0 CentOS 7, ATI video, ex-X, still fighting [SOLVED]
4:13PM 2 firefox-45.6.0-1.el7.centos.x86_64 crashing... unusable
4:05PM 0 devtoolset-4 ageing?
4:04PM 0 firefox-45.6.0-1.el7.centos.x86_64 crashing... unusable
3:08PM 2 CentOS 7, ATI video, ex-X, still fighting
2:31PM 0 CentOS 7 and systemd: SysV initscript: how detect boot vs. interactive use?
1:44PM 4 firefox-45.6.0-1.el7.centos.x86_64 crashing... unusable
1:33PM 5 devtoolset-4 ageing?
6:41AM 0 OT: Blank mails from this list
4:50AM 2 CentOS 7 and systemd: SysV initscript: how detect boot vs. interactive use?
2:04AM 0 PulseAudio is streaming with an excessive latency.
Sunday December 18 2016
11:16PM 3 PulseAudio is streaming with an excessive latency.
6:22PM 0 CentOS 7 and systemd: SysV initscript: how detect boot vs. interactive use?
5:47PM 0 Semi-OT: thunderbird displaying inline
4:56PM 2 Semi-OT: thunderbird displaying inline
4:50PM 1 Cannot access Samba shares after latest update
3:42PM 1 pacmd command to switch outputs for an application?
10:58AM 2 CentOS 7 and systemd: SysV initscript: how detect boot vs. interactive use?
8:25AM 0 wireshark only starts from a terminal
7:25AM 2 wireshark only starts from a terminal
Saturday December 17 2016
9:54PM 0 builds on private server (mesa) - llvm 3.9.1
7:08PM 0 PulseAudio is streaming with an excessive latency.
7:05PM 0 wireshark only starts from a terminal
5:45PM 0 deleted .dbus/sessions-bus/[fn]
5:18PM 2 PulseAudio is streaming with an excessive latency.
5:10PM 0 centos-sclo-rh packages not signed?
3:08PM 2 deleted .dbus/sessions-bus/[fn]
2:57PM 0 deleted .dbus/sessions-bus/[fn]
2:23PM 2 deleted .dbus/sessions-bus/[fn]
12:40PM 0 deleted .dbus/sessions-bus/[fn]
12:00PM 0 CentOS-announce Digest, Vol 142, Issue 7
9:25AM 2 wireshark only starts from a terminal
2:20AM 1 7.3 and USB headphones
Friday December 16 2016
9:59PM 0 deleted .dbus/sessions-bus/[fn]
9:29PM 4 deleted .dbus/sessions-bus/[fn]
9:01PM 0 Panic on boot with 7.3 kernels when decrypting hard drive
8:12PM 1 Looking for latest C7 kernel-plus SRPM
7:29PM 4 Can't delete or move /home on 7.3 install
7:12PM 3 libgme drive-by exploit.
6:17PM 0 Can't delete or move /home on 7.3 install
5:14PM 0 CentOS 7, ATI video, ex-X
4:41PM 0 CentOS 7, ATI video, ex-X
4:28PM 0 CentOS 7, ATI video, ex-X
4:11PM 0 OT: Blank mails from this list
4:08PM 8 CentOS 7, ATI video, ex-X
2:34PM 1 Looking for DirectFB 1.4.11 RPMs for 32-bit CentOS 6
2:11PM 0 Looking for DirectFB 1.4.11 RPMs for 32-bit CentOS 6
2:05PM 3 Looking for DirectFB 1.4.11 RPMs for 32-bit CentOS 6
2:03PM 4 OT: Blank mails from this list
1:47PM 2 Can't delete or move /home on 7.3 install
1:29PM 0 OT: Blank mails from this list
10:15AM 3 OT: Blank mails from this list
6:22AM 0 OT: Blank mails from this list
Thursday December 15 2016
7:51PM 0 Can't delete or move /home on 7.3 install
6:48PM 2 Can't delete or move /home on 7.3 install
6:28PM 0 [FYI] yum error message: Error: database disk image is malformed
6:10PM 0 Can't delete or move /home on 7.3 install
6:10PM 1 Alternative to cPanel
5:23PM 0 Alternative to cPanel
4:42PM 2 Can't delete or move /home on 7.3 install
3:53PM 1 gstreamer1-plugin-openh264
3:45PM 0 test builds on private server upates
3:45PM 0 OT: Blank mails from this list
3:41PM 0 Can't delete or move /home on 7.3 install
3:17PM 8 Alternative to cPanel
12:00PM 0 CentOS-announce Digest, Vol 142, Issue 6
11:32AM 2 OT: Blank mails from this list
11:13AM 0 OT: Blank mails from this list
11:10AM 0 virt-manager problem
10:27AM 3 OT: Blank mails from this list
10:10AM 2 Can't delete or move /home on 7.3 install
9:12AM 1 OT: Blank mails from this list
8:44AM 0 OT: Blank mails from this list
7:47AM 0 Can't delete or move /home on 7.3 install
7:15AM 3 OT: Blank mails from this list
7:09AM 0 OT: Blank mails from this list
7:03AM 7 OT: Blank mails from this list
5:21AM 0 spec file frustration (rant)
1:49AM 2 Can't delete or move /home on 7.3 install
Wednesday December 14 2016
9:41PM 0 A *very* strange C 7 question
9:32PM 3 spec file frustration (rant)
8:57PM 0 spec file frustration (rant)
8:38PM 2 spec file frustration (rant)
8:34PM 2 A *very* strange C 7 question
8:03PM 0 spec file frustration (rant)
6:29PM 2 spec file frustration (rant)
5:25PM 0 Problem with yum on CentOS Linux release 7.2.1511 (Core) with 3.10.0-327.36.3.el7.x86_64 kernel
1:44PM 3 Problem with yum on CentOS Linux release 7.2.1511 (Core) with 3.10.0-327.36.3.el7.x86_64 kernel
12:58PM 0 spec file frustration (rant)
12:49PM 0 Bottom panel on new C7.3
12:00PM 0 CentOS-announce Digest, Vol 142, Issue 5
10:47AM 0 Problem with attachments in thunderbird-45.5.1
9:20AM 1 libreoffice 5 slow after 7.3 update
2:13AM 1 Panic on boot with 7.3 kernels when decrypting hard drive
12:25AM 0 spec file frustration (rant)
12:14AM 2 spec file frustration (rant)
Tuesday December 13 2016
11:57PM 0 spec file frustration (rant)
11:39PM 2 spec file frustration (rant)
11:34PM 0 spec file frustration (rant)
11:21PM 0 spec file frustration (rant)
11:09PM 3 spec file frustration (rant)
10:35PM 0 spec file frustration (rant)
10:16PM 8 spec file frustration (rant)
9:44PM 0 libreoffice 5 slow after 7.3 update
7:01PM 3 libreoffice 5 slow after 7.3 update
6:13PM 1 Disable gnome-initial-setup
5:59PM 1 ipa rpm conflicts
4:44PM 0 disk selection with ks file in 7.3
4:44PM 2 ipa rpm conflicts
4:10PM 0 yum update pulls in lvm-cluster on 7.3
3:15PM 3 Bottom panel on new C7.3
1:16PM 4 yum update pulls in lvm-cluster on 7.3
12:50PM 1 7.3 srpms
12:36PM 0 7.3 srpms
12:25PM 2 7.3 srpms
12:00PM 0 CentOS-announce Digest, Vol 142, Issue 4
10:22AM 0 Network Manager - force activation of multiple connections
9:26AM 0 test builds on private server against 1611
5:06AM 0 Install Centos not detect the hard drive
4:55AM 2 Install Centos not detect the hard drive
3:50AM 0 7.3 sources ???
3:03AM 1 7.3 sources ???
2:49AM 0 7.3 sources ???
2:46AM 1 7.3 sources ???
2:36AM 5 7.3 sources ???
12:16AM 0 openldap: replica consumers and ppolicy overlay values
Monday December 12 2016
7:25PM 0 Updated to CentOS 7.3. Works well. Needed to restorecon on /home.
7:07PM 2 Raspberry PI 3
4:15PM 2 raid 6 on centos 7
3:48PM 0 something going on with CR ?
3:32PM 2 something going on with CR ?
12:29PM 1 Server turns off unexpectedly
12:15PM 0 Server turns off unexpectedly
11:37AM 3 Server turns off unexpectedly
11:01AM 0 Server turns off unexpectedly
10:50AM 3 Server turns off unexpectedly
3:01AM 3 kde failing???
Saturday December 10 2016
9:52PM 0 Plain requirement: desktop search
9:31PM 0 kmod-nvidia problems
9:05PM 2 Plain requirement: desktop search
8:49PM 2 kmod-nvidia problems
8:28PM 0 kmod-nvidia problems
8:21PM 3 kmod-nvidia problems
7:22PM 0 Plain requirement: desktop search
5:26PM 0 Plain requirement: desktop search
4:54PM 6 Plain requirement: desktop search
10:42AM 0 OT: a USB barcode scanner?
10:03AM 0 Has deleted user, why I can still get info of it
9:22AM 2 Has deleted user, why I can still get info of it
Friday December 9 2016
10:08PM 0 trouble installing centos 6.8
9:02PM 2 OT: a USB barcode scanner?
8:09PM 3 trouble installing centos 6.8
7:46PM 0 trouble installing centos 6.8
7:30PM 4 trouble installing centos 6.8
Thursday December 8 2016
9:47PM 1 bash on ubuntu (centos) on windows
9:33PM 0 bash on ubuntu (centos) on windows
9:17PM 3 bash on ubuntu (centos) on windows
4:11PM 0 BUG: soft lockup - CPU#0 stuck for 36s! [swapper/0:0]
3:47PM 0 [OT] firefox 45.5.1
2:04PM 2 [OT] firefox 45.5.1
Wednesday December 7 2016
10:20PM 1 Unusual System State
9:51PM 0 Unusual System State
9:46PM 2 Unusual System State
9:38PM 0 ASL enters EPEL7: Hardware accelerated multiphysics simulation platform
9:20PM 1 CentOS 6, firefox, PIV cards
8:40PM 1 Kernel Panic at Boot
8:22PM 0 Kernel Panic at Boot
8:09PM 2 Kernel Panic at Boot
6:46PM 0 [OT] firefox 45.5.1
2:19PM 0 You have not permission to view content of this location
2:06PM 0 You have not permission to view content of this location
12:00PM 0 CentOS-announce Digest, Vol 142, Issue 3
9:08AM 4 You have not permission to view content of this location
Tuesday December 6 2016
5:44PM 0 centos 7 and qemu-system-arm for PI3
Monday December 5 2016
2:01PM 1 CentOS ISO Build process
10:28AM 0 Huge write amplification with thin provisioned logical volumes
7:24AM 0 CentOS6: devhelp search misses most of GTK+ 2 API functions
Sunday December 4 2016
3:25PM 0 [OT] firefox 45.5.1
12:00PM 0 CentOS-announce Digest, Vol 142, Issue 2
6:32AM 4 [OT] firefox 45.5.1
Friday December 2 2016
6:16PM 1 CentOS 7, PS-2 moose
6:01PM 0 Re: CentOS 7, PS-2 moose
5:28PM 4 CentOS 7, PS-2 moose
3:52PM 1 New laptop recomendation
2:20PM 0 New laptop recomendation
2:10PM 0 I'm still there ... test builds on private server (drivers, mesa, fixes)
12:00PM 0 CentOS-announce Digest, Vol 142, Issue 1
Thursday December 1 2016
9:47PM 1 CentOS 7 Update from DVD
6:06PM 1 CentOS 6, firefox, PIV cards
4:23PM 0 CentOS 6: environment variables and cronjobs ...
4:21PM 2 Looking for kernel-3.10.0-514.el7.x86_64.rpm
3:28PM 2 CentOS 6: environment variables and cronjobs ...
12:09AM 0 Recent updates for CentOS7?