I have a VPN connection using the openconnect vpn, and it is managed by network manager. Works fine. It has been on my system since the original Centos 7.x release. Now that I have Centos 7.3, while it still works fine, I find that I can no longer add a new connection using openconnect. I also find that I am not allowed to edit the existing openconnect vpn definition. attempting to create a new one lists only ipsec-based VPN as a choice, along with "import a saved VPN configuration". Attempting to edit the existing one pops up a little window that says: Could not edit connection Could not find VPN plugin for 'org.freedesktop.networkmanager.openconnect'. yum says I have the following items installed: yum list installed \*openconnect\* Loaded plugins: fastestmirror, langpacks, nvidia Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile * base: centos.mirror.constant.com * elrepo: mirrors.evowise.com * epel: mirrors.mit.edu * extras: mirror.cc.columbia.edu * nux-dextop: mirror.li.nux.ro * updates: mirrors.advancedhosters.com Installed Packages NetworkManager-openconnect.x86_64 @epel openconnect.x86_64 7.06-1.el7 @epel this has worked for some long time, now, so what is wrong here? I don't think I"m missing any packages, because "yum list available" doesn't find anything else that seems to be needed, only -debuginfo and -devel. Anyone got a clue for me? thanks! Fred -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Under no circumstances will I ever purchase anything offered to me as the result of an unsolicited e-mail message. Nor will I forward chain letters, petitions, mass mailings, or virus warnings to large numbers of others. This is my contribution to the survival of the online community. --Roger Ebert, December, 1996 ----------------------------- The Boulder Pledge -----------------------------