On Tue, Sep 10, 2013 at 11:07 AM, Alan McKay <alan.mckay at gmail.com>
wrote:> Hey folks,
> Google found nothing in this list archives for me but did find this :
> http://www.unixmen.com/how-to-jul-convert-rhel-5-to-centos-5/
> Before I just go try that on one of my systems can someone confirm
> that it works?
> I'm running RHEL 5.7 so I guess I'd replace the 5.4 in the URL with
> Basically I let my RHEL licenses run out (never really used them) and
> am getting warnings now from yum. Want to just switch over to the
> CentOS repos.
> Anything to be wary of doing this?
This CentOS wiki article will help you:
(section "Migration an existing system from RHEL5 to CentOS 5")