On Fri, 2007-02-16 at 13:14 -0500, Steve Campbell wrote:> I have read the Wiki for the Yum stuff, and tried to pay attention to the
> variations for Centos 3/Centos 4 mentioned, but for the life of me, I
> seem to get the Dag repo working properly on my CentOS 3 system. I have
> installed the rpmforge rpm, but this doesn't seem to do much. It does
> create(I think it created it) the yum.repos.d folder, and I edited the Dag
> repos file to be enabled. But as I was told before, yum on version 3 does
> not use this folder.
> Now I can add the contents of the rpmforge.repo file directly to my
> yum.conf, and make this work, but is this how it is supposed to be
> configured?
> The real question is:
> How is the rpmforge rpm supposed to work on Centos 3?
> Thanks for any clarity.
the last 3 lines of /etc/yum.conf
# tail -n 3 /etc/yum.conf
name=Dag RPM Repository for Red Hat Enterprise Linux