Hello everybody, this is my first request about R so I am sorry if I send it to a bad mail or if I am not very clear. So my problem is about the use of rfImpute from randomForest package. I am interested in imputations of missing values and I read that randomForest can make it. So i write the following code : set.seed(100); library(mlbench) library(randomForest) data(BreastCancer) summary(BreastCancer) data=BreastCancer[,-1] data=data[!is.na(data[,"Bare.nuclei"]),] summary(data) is.factor(data$Cl.thickness)# OK ##########selection of missing values###### x=1:nrow(data) sample1=sample(x,70) sample3=sample(x,70) sample5=sample(x,70) ##########replace by missing values######### data_missing=data data_missing[sample1,1]=NA data_missing[sample3,3]=NA data_missing[sample5,5]=NA summary(data_missing) is.factor(data_missing$Cl.thickness)# OK ########imputation by random forest######## data_imputed <- rfImpute(Class ~ .,data_missing,iter=5,ntree=1000) is.factor(data_imputed$Cl.thickness)# Not OK And as you can see, rfImpute change the type of one explanatory variable. Before imputation, it was a factor. After it becomes a quantitative variable. So I don't understand what it happens. Maybe I should add an option in rfImpute... If someone could help me to understand. Thank you very much _________________________________________________________________ ? Lancez-vous ! [[alternative HTML version deleted]]