similar to: problem with rfImpute (package randomForest)

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 100 matches similar to: "problem with rfImpute (package randomForest)"

2007 Aug 10
I am having trouble with the rfImpute function in the randomForest package. Here is a sample... clunk.roughfix<-na.roughfix(clunk) > > clunk.impute<-rfImpute(CONVERT~.,data=clunk) ntree OOB 1 2 300: 26.80% 3.83% 85.37% ntree OOB 1 2 300: 18.56% 5.74% 51.22% Error in randomForest.default(xf, y, ntree = ntree, ..., do.trace = ntree, : NA not
2003 Aug 26
rfImpute (for randomForest) crashed
In trying to execute this line in R (Version 1.7.1 (2003-06-16), under windows XP pro), with the randomForest library (about two weeks old) loaded, the program crashed: bost4rf <- rfImpute(TargetDensity~.,data=bost4rf0) Specifically, an XP dialog box popped up, saying ?R for windows GUI front-end has encountered a problem and needs to close.? That was the dialog saying asking whether I
2009 May 08
Error while using rfImpute
Dear Administrator, I am using linux (suse 10.2). While attempting rfImpute, I am getting the following error message: > Members <- rfImpute(Status ~ ., data = Members) Error in .C("classRF", x = x, xdim = as.integer(c(p, n)), y = as.integer(y), : C symbol name "classRF" not in DLL for package "randomForest". I need the help to sort out above error.
2008 May 05
Problems using rfImpute
Hello R-user! I am running R 2.7.0 on a Power Book (Tiger). (I am still R and statistics beginner) I tried rfImpute (randomForest) and as far as I understood should it replace NA`s using a proximity matrix: > set.seed(100000) > Subset5Imputed<-rfImpute(Sex~., data=Subset5) ntree OOB 1 2 300: 11.78% 12.36% 11.21% ntree OOB 1 2 300: 12.07% 12.64%
2008 Oct 16
apply, t-test and p-values
R 2.7.2 Windows XP I am using apply to compute a series of Student's t-test from two matrices, sample1 and sample2. boo<-apply(sample1,1,t.test,sample2) I want to pick of the p-values from the tests, but can't seem to get it to work. I have tried several methods to get the values including: boo<-apply(sample1,1,t.test$t.test,sample2) boo<-apply(sample1,1,t.test,sample2)$t.test
2011 Feb 17
missing values in party::ctree
After ctree builds a tree, how would I determine the direction missing values follow by examining the BinaryTree-class object? For instance in the example below Bare.nuclei has 16 missing values and is used for the first split, but the missing values are not listed in either set of factors. (I have the same question for missing values among numeric [non-factor] values, but I assume the answer
2010 Jun 01
BreastCancer Dataset for Classification in kknn
Dear All, I'm getting a error while trying to apply the BreastCancer dataset (package=mlbench) to kknn (package=kknn) that I don't understand as I'm new to R. The codes are as follow: rm = (list = ls()) library(mlbench) data(BreastCancer) library(kknn) BCancer = na.omit(BreastCancer) d = dim(BCancer)[1] i1 = seq(1, d, 2) i2 = seq(2, d, 2) t1 = BCancer[i1, ] t2 =
2010 Apr 30
ROC curve in randomForest
require(randomForest) rf.pred<-predict(fit, valid, type="prob") > rf.pred[1:20, ] 0 1 16 0.0000 1.0000 23 0.3158 0.6842 43 0.3030 0.6970 52 0.0886 0.9114 55 0.1216 0.8784 75 0.0920 0.9080 82 0.4332 0.5668 120 0.2302 0.7698 128 0.1336 0.8664 147 0.4272 0.5728 148 0.0490 0.9510 153 0.0556 0.9444 161 0.0760 0.9240 162 0.4564 0.5436 172 0.5148 0.4852 176 0.1730
2009 Apr 01
smv() in "e1071" and the BreastCancer data from "mlbench"
R-help, I am trying to perform a basic anlaysis of the BreastCancer data from "mlbench" using the svm() function in "e1071". I use the following code library("e1071") library("mlbench") data(BreastCancer) BC <- subset(BreastCancer, select=-Id) pairs(BC) model <- svm(Class ~ ., data=BC, cross=10) ## plot(model, BC, ) tobj <- tune.svm(Class ~ .,
2006 Jan 18
Loading of namespace on load of .Rdata (was strange behaviourof load)
Apologies - I was not trying to correct you Brian, but to explore how the situation could arise. I'm sure you had a good idea why the namespace (or a reference to it) had been saved, but this was not clear to me and I thought, possibly not to others either. Thanks for putting me right over parent environments vs. enclosures - again I was not trying to correct you with the point I made there,
2006 Jan 18
Loading of namespace on load of .Rdata (was strange behaviour of load)
Last week Giovanni Parrinello posted a message asking why various packages were loaded when he loaded an .Rdata file. Brian Ripley replied saying he thought it was because the saved workspace contained a reference to the namespace of ipred. (Correspondence copied below). This begs the question: how did the reference to the namespace of ipred come to be in the .Rdata file? Brian did say it is
2005 Oct 06
how to use tune.knn() for dataset with missing values
Hi Everybody, i again have the problem in using tune.knn(), its giving an error saying missing values are not allowed.... again here is the script for BreastCancer Data, library(e1071) library(mda) trdata<-data.frame(train,row.names=NULL) attach(trdata) xtr <- subset(trdata, select = -Class) ytr <- Class bestpara <-tune.knn(xtr,ytr, k = 1:25, tunecontrol = tune.control(sampling
2006 Jan 18
Loading of namespace on load of .Rdata (was strange behaviour of load)
Last week Giovanni Parrinello posted a message asking why various packages were loaded when he loaded an .Rdata file. Brian Ripley replied saying he thought it was because the saved workspace contained a reference to the namespace of ipred. (Correspondence copied below). This begs the question: how did the reference to the namespace of ipred come to be in the .Rdata file? Brian did say it is
2005 Oct 06
how to handle missing values in the data?
Hello Everybody, I am reffering David Meyer's Benchmarking Support Vector Machines , Report No.78 (Nov.2002), i am newly working with R but i am not sure how it is handling missing values in the benchmark datasets, I would be very thankful to you if you could let me know how to handle those missing numerical & categorical variables in the data (e.g. BreastCancer). because, i am
2005 Sep 12
[handling] Missing [values in randomForest]
Hi Jan-Paul, You definitely want to be careful with na.omit in randomForest -- that wipes out any row with even one NA. If NAs are sprawled throughout your dataset, na.omit might end up killing a lot of rows. Here's my usual MO for missing values: 1) "impute" in Hmisc fills in gaps with the mean, median, most common value, etc. 2) rfImpute: fits a forest on the rows available and
2007 Jan 04
randomForest and missing data
Does anyone know a reason why, in principle, a call to randomForest cannot accept a data frame with missing predictor values? If each individual tree is built using CART, then it seems like this should be possible. (I understand that one may impute missing values using rfImpute or some other method, but I would like to avoid doing that.) If this functionality were available, then when the trees
2012 Mar 26
NA in R package randomForest
I have a question regarding NA in randomForest (in R). I have a dataset which include both numerical and non-numerical variables, and the data includes some NA. I tried to use na.roughfix but then i get an error message "na.roughfix only works for numeric or factor". I also tried rfImpute but this does not work either because I have some NA in my response variable. Does anyone have som
2010 Jun 30
anyone know why package "RandomForest" na.roughfix is so slow??
Hi all, I am using the package "random forest" for random forest predictions. I like the package. However, I have fairly large data sets, and it can often take *hours* just to go through the "na.roughfix" call, which simply goes through and cleans up any NA values to either the median (numerical data) or the most frequent occurrence (factors). I am going to start
2007 Jan 04
importing timestamp data into R
I have a set of timestamp data that I have in a text file that I would like to import into R for analysis. The timestamps are formated as follows: DT_1,DT_2 [2006/08/10 21:12:14 ],[2006/08/10 21:54:00 ] [2006/08/10 20:42:00 ],[2006/08/10 22:48:00 ] [2006/08/10 20:58:00 ],[2006/08/10 21:39:00 ] [2006/08/04 12:15:24 ],[2006/08/04 12:20:00 ] [2006/08/04 12:02:00 ],[2006/08/04 14:20:00 ] I can get
2006 Mar 29
missing value replacement for test data in random forest
Hi, In R, how to do missing value replacement for test data in randome forest in the way Breiman decribed. thanks in advance iris