t c
2009-Feb-19 19:49 UTC
[R] using stepAIC with negative binomial regression - error message
Ben, I tried playing with the "na.action" but that didn't seem to help. I didn't know of the na.omit function. It made it much easier to get rid of all the missing values in the file, and now the regression model is running. I hadn't put interactions in the model yet since it wasn't even running. Cosday, sinday, and daylength are strongly collinear. The full model with interactions keeps all three in, plus all interactions between them. Thanks for your help! Tim [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
Possibly Parallel Threads
- using stepAIC with negative binomial regression - error message help
- Stepwise logistic Regression with significance testing - stepAIC
- Goodness of fit for negative binomial model
- glm StepAIC with all interactions and update to remove a term vs. glm specifying all but a few terms and stepAIC
- Estimating theta for negative binomial model