I think i might of misunderstood the question. I was thinking you
meant what if one of the arguments were not used, as in the example
below (see ?missing):
f<- function(d1, d2, d3)
vec <- c(missing(d1), missing(d2), missing(d3))
if(any(vec)) {
} else {
d<- d1*d2/d3
v1 <- 1
v2 <- 2
f(v1, v2)
[1] 0
however, if you meant that you wanted the 0 returned if one of the
variables passed does not exist, maybe the following is what you want?
(see ?try)
f<- function(d1, d2, d3)
d <- try(d1*d2/d3, silent=TRUE)
if(class(d) == "try-error") {
} else {
v1 <- 1
v2 <- 2
f(v1, v2, var_that_does_not_exist)
[1] 0
appologies if i missunderstood the question, but hopefully the above
is a little helpful :-)
Tony Breyal
On 10 Dec, 19:09, "jonas garcia" <garcia.jona... at
wrote:> Dear list,
> I have a question and I'm going to give an example of my problem
> f<- function(d1, d2, d3)
> {
> d<- d1*d2/d3
> return(d)
> }
> v1<- 1
> v2<- 2
> If I try
> f(v1, v2, v3)
> Error in f(v1, v2, v3) : object "v3" not found
> I obviously got the above error message.
> I would like to add something to my function to allow me to get a certain
> value (say zero)
> if one of the arguments is not provided (in this case v3).
> Thanks in advance
> J
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