similar to: missing argument

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 10000 matches similar to: "missing argument"

2009 May 08
'Dynamic' 3D plot
Hi, I am looking for a R package to draw 3d plot. But not in a static way like scatterplot3d or stuff like that. I would like to make rotate the plot, to zoom/unzoom etc..., actually to render the graph 'dynamic'... (for the biologist and bioinformatician, a R package which permitts to reproduce what pdb viewer does). Does a Way exist to do something like that in R ? Thanks,
2008 Nov 04
How to suppress errors from htmlTreeParse() function in XML package?
Dear R-help, The following code downloads an html document into variable 'doc' and then stores an internal representation into variable 'html.tree'. Even if the html code is malformed, this still works which is fantastic. However, as in the example below, i do get some ouput from R in the console which i would like to suppress somehow, so i can keep my window a bit cleaner. I
2009 Dec 22
Reading PDF files
Hi: I need to do text mining on PDF files. I understand there is a readPDF command in tm that can be used. Have read the 2008 posts on converting PDF files to text by Tony Breyal and others. Wondering if the procedure has been standardized in any tutorial or otherwise? Being new to R, I was able to follow only part of the discussion. Any way to get a set of step by step instructions
2008 Nov 13
readPDF() -- unsure how to install xpdf to make this work?
Dear R-Help, I need to convert a set of '.pdf' files into an equivalent set of '.txt' files. This is so that i can do some text mining on the content. In the latest R-News letter ( Rnews_2008-2.pdf), the package 'tm' for text mining is mentioned. In that lovely package, there is a function called 'readPDF()'. In order to use
2008 Oct 06
Extracting text from html code using the RCurl package.
Dear R-help, I want to download the text from a web page, however what i end up with is the html code. Is there some option that i am missing in the RCurl package? Or is there another way to achieve this? This is the code i am using: > library(RCurl) > my.url <- '' > html.file <- getURI(my.url, ssl.verifyhost = FALSE,
2009 Jan 14
how to read data from the different worksheets in the same Excel file
Dear All: I am trying to read the data from the different sheet but in the same Excel file. Does R provide this kind of command to do it? Anyone has experience on this? Thanks! Xin [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2009 Jan 09
[R} how to build TermDocMatrix in tm text mining package of R
Howdy Gurus I 'd like to ask a question about how to build TermDocMatrix in tm text mining package. It is not clear about importing a plain text file, and them converting that text file into TermDocMatrix file, etc to me. How can I build a TermDocMatrix of " a plain text document file for text association? Or are there any good manuals? Thank you in advance, -- Kum-Hoe Hwang, Ph.D.
2009 Jan 14
multiple secondary axes
Dear R experts, I want to plot a line chart with another secondary axis placed right to the standard secondary axis which one can access with the axis command, so that the data lines are seen in the same plot. Is there any way to do this in R? Many thanks, Kirsten.
2010 Mar 31
regular expression help to extract specific strings from text
Dear all, Lets say I have the following: > x <- c("Eve: Going to try something new today...", "Adam: Hey @Eve, how are you finding R? #rstats", "Eve: @Adam, It's awesome, so much better at statistics that #Excel ever was! @Cain & @Able disagree though :(", "Adam: @Eve I'm sure they'll sort it out :)", "blahblah") > x [1]
2009 Feb 22
Zoo or TS
Hi everyone, I'm trying to plot some data across time. I have a list of articles, ranks, date/times, authors, etc. Someone suggested using zoo and someone suggested using ts. I'm pretty new at this and have been trying a simple if() plot() statement, but it doesn't seem to work. I keep getting an error that Title does not exist. Basically its saying that the headers do not exist as
2009 Jan 22
How to Run R Programs in a Scheduled Way
Hello R Experts, does anyone know how to run R programs automatically using the window scheduler? I want to run some R programs automatically and make the results available via web. Mit freundlichen Grüßen / Best Regards / С наилучшими пожеланиями / üdvözlettel Thorsten [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2009 Feb 22
how to recover a list structure
I am experiencing some problems at working with lists at high level. In the following "coef" contains the original DWT coefficients organized in a list. Thorugh applying the following two commands: coef.abs <- lapply(unlist(coef,recursive=FALSE,use.names =TRUE),abs) coef.abs.sorted <- sort(unlist(coef.abs),decreasing=TRUE) I get vector "coef.abs.sorted" containing
2008 Jun 03
How to solve a non-linear system of equations using R
Dear R-list members, I've had a hard time trying to solve a non-linear system (nls) of equations which structure for the equation i, i=1,...,4, is as follows: f_i(d_1,d_2,d_3,d_4)-k_i(l,m,s) = 0 (1) In the expression above, both f_i and k_i are known functions and l, m and s are known constants. I would like to estimate the vector d=(d_1,d_2,d_3,d_4) which is solution
2009 Nov 16
parsing Google search results
Hi, how can I parse Google search results? The following code returns "integer(0)" instead of "1" although the results of the query clearly contain the regex "cran". #### address <- url("") open(address) lines <- readLines(address) grep("cran", lines[3]) #### Thanks Philip -- Philip Leifeld Max
2015 Oct 27
Estimados Cuando existia epicalc, había una manera muy fácil de determinar la media de una variable (en esta caso Gain) por grupos, en este caso (Diet). ?Como se puede hacer ahora? Diet Gain 1 d1 270 2 d1 300 3 d1 280 4 d1 280 5 d1 270 6 d2 290 7 d2 250 8 d2 280 9 d2 290 10 d2 280 11 d3 290 12 d3 340 13 d3 330 14 d3 300 15 d3 300
2009 Jan 08
Creating file names.
I have a function that is called from a "sourced" script, whenever certain conditions are met. I have this inside it: if(P > 0.9)save( file = today() , myLMSmodel ); This gives me files that look like this: Thu Jan 8 14:04:43 2009 That works fine on my Mac, but it would be much more convenient to have something like this: LMSMOD_Jan_08_09_1404 Does anyone know how I can do
2017 Oct 30
Problems in communication with Mustek PowerMust 1060 LCD
System: Cenots Linux 6.9 Application: nut-2.7.5-0.20170613gitb1314c6 [with usb 0.1 from distro] Device: Mustek PowerMust 1060 LCD Comunication log file: dump.txt We are looking at the possibility of successful communicating with this device UPS Mustek PowerMust 1060 LCD. PS: wolfy on the list gives me assistance and i can install any new compiled nut version from sources. Thanks, Catalin.
2008 Nov 23
grep for asterisks "*"'s
Hello, I'm trying to determine if a string contains asterisks using the grep function. I know that this is slightly difficult because * is a special character in regular expressions and needs to be escaped. However, escaping the * using \ doesn't work either: if(grep("\*", model)>0) #does the model have an interaction { do something... } produces the following error
2015 Oct 27
Otras variantes con y sin paquetes adicionales... > sapply(split(datIn$Gain, as.factor(datIn$Diet)), mean) d1 d2 d3 280 278 312 > by(datIn$Gain, datIn$Diet, mean) datIn$Diet: d1 [1] 280 -------------------------------------------------------------- datIn$Diet: d2 [1] 278 -------------------------------------------------------------- datIn$Diet: d3 [1] 312 > > library(dplyr) >
2017 Jun 23
R version 3.3.2, Windows 10: Applying a function to each possible pair of rows from two different data-frames
For certain reason, the content was not visible in the last mail, so posting it again. Dear Members, I have two different dataframes with a different number of rows. I need to apply a set of functions to each possible combination of rows with one row coming from 1st dataframe and other from 2nd dataframe. Though I am able to perform this task using for loops, I feel that there must be a more